Ceci n'est pas un compliment

Feeling a little down? Unappreciated? Below the fold is a link to the Norwegian compliment generator, along with a few of the Norwegian compliments that I received today.

Behold, The Surrealist Norwegian Compliment generator and a sampling of the compliments I received today;

    You have the patience of a trilobite.

    Cretins and vermin cannot compare with the depths of your cousins.

    Your raw sensuality flusters me as the dog sneezes into the ventilation fan.

    Your face is like an imperfectly shaven tennis ball.

    The expanse of your intelligence is a void no universe could ever fill.

    You have no socially redeeming value. [Hey! How did my parents get involved with this project?]

    You move with the eloquence of disintegrating fuselage.

    Dustmites the world over love you for your feet.

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Ahh, Grrl. Your eyes flash upon my cathode ray flesh in a manner that propels my viscera into an eternal state of turgid flux. Soft sausages would gladly procreate in the bathwater of your verisimilitude.

My eyelids belch with effluvial afterthoughts when you tease me with gelatin and congealed chicken rinds.

Your eyes are much like milky pools of pantyhose

By mackerel salad boy (not verified) on 19 Dec 2008 #permalink