
tags: Monty Python meets Darth Vader, humor, funny, silly, weird, Star Wars, Monty Python, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video Is this the ultimate in silliness and hilarity? The combination of Monty Python AND Star Wars?
tags: Muppets' Swedish Chef makes Pöpcørn Shrimp!, humor, funny, silly, weird, Swedish Chef, cooking, food, The Muppets, streaming video Do you like pöpcørn shrimp? Watch the Swedish Chef as he prepares this explosively good meal! The Muppets have their own official website.
It's nearly sundown here in the eastern time zone of the United States. That means that soon all sorts of amateur fireworks aficionados will be making a whole lot of noise and, the part that I hate, scaring the crap out of my poor dog. So, for those of you who are soon going to be reducing my poor dog to a quivering mass of fur, not to mention annoying me to no end, in the spirit of the holiday season, I have some firework safety tips for you:
tags: The Invention of Religion, humor, comedy, satire, funny, silly, fucking hilarious, interview, religion, Ricky Gervais, streaming video This amusing video features Ricky Gervais explaining how everything you need to know about religion can be found on a Pizza Hut pizza box. The Invention of Religion.
tags: Fast Lane -- Shopping Carts, SuperMarkt Shopping Carts, Einkaufszentrum, Berlin, fun, silly, your inner child, entertainment, volkswagen commercial, television, streaming video Just a quick shopping trip? Here's a great invention: Some shopping carts -- "trolleys" for you Brits -- are pimped with a skateboard in a shopping center in Berlin, Germany. Up for some extra shopping fun?
tags: AT-AT Day Afternoon, movies, Star Wars, humor, funny, satire, cute, silly, pets, streaming video This NYC-dog-walker-on-hiatus-and-star-wars-fan loves this video! If this video doesn't make you pee your pants by the end, well, you've clearly not had enough to drink! AT-AT day afternoon from Patrick Boivin on Vimeo. Music by Blithe Field Bible School.
I think this edition of Bob the Angry Flower might resonate here.
tags: What, If Anything, Is Big Bird?, taxonomy, taxonomy, evolution, Grandicrocavis, Big Bird, flightless birds, ratites, humor, comedy, science humor, dinosaur humor, Mike Dickison, PechaKucha, Christchurch, streaming video Years ago, when Zoologist Mike Dickison was in the early stages of his PhD, he gave a joke presentation at a graduate student conference on the taxonomy and evolution of a giant flightless bird. It was the sort of thing you'd see at any conference on avian evolution: a Latin name, reconstructed skeleton, possible place on the great evolutionary tree of birds. The tone…
tags: Inside A Birdhouse, television, advertising, humor, funny, satire, cute, silly, canary, streaming video This cute video shows that there's a lot more inside a birdhouse than is evident from the outside. It's a commercial for squash juice. Squash juice? Yes. Apparently some people drink squash juice. There's two things that bother me about this video. First, pigeons do not sound like owls. Second, bird rock and roll should not sound like humans singing, but should sound like parrots screeching. or something. That said, I've watched this video dozens of times and was certain I've shown…
Regular readers may have noticed something happening around ScienceBlogs. As PZ pointed out, a little malware somehow infiltrated the ScienceBlogs collective, and many of us appear to have turned into zombies. It's a veritable Zombie Day, complete with illustrations by Joseph Hewitt, creator of Gearhead. Obviously, with anything having to do with zombies, there's only one thing for this blog, namely a certain undead German dictator with an insatiable thirst for human brains, who leaves idiotic analogies in his wake. Unfortunately, with the 2008 election being behind us, there was a dearth of…
As I highlighted in my previous post, evolution works on zombies just like any other organism, the main difference is that they reproduce like cells rather than like animals. Darwin's discovery that zombies pass on hereditary material in their bites, and that this has resulted in natural selection, helps to explain the diversity of zombies now before us. Below are a few of the main strategies that an evolutionary understanding can bring to counter the marauding hordes of decomposing evil that now threaten to overwhelm us. #1 - Don't get bitten. Okay, this is a no-brainer (pun intended).…
(from here) Now, by 'zombie bank', you probably think I'm referring to banks that have more liabilities than assets, and are basically waiting for the plug to be pulled. Nope. At this point, the only rational explanation for many banks' behavior is that they have actually been taken over by zombies. Consider the following: 1) Banks have been acting as if they are brain dead. Maybe they are brain dead. (from here) 2) Banks are behaving voraciously towards their customers, showing very poor impulse control. Sounds like zombies to me. 3) Banks are set in their ways, and reacting very…
Regular readers may have noticed something happening around ScienceBlogs. As PZ pointed out, a little malware somehow infiltrated the ScienceBlogs collective, and many of us appear to have turned into zombies. It's a veritable Zombie Day, complete with illustrations by Joseph Hewitt, creator of Gearhead. Obviously, with anything having to do with zombies, there's only one thing for this blog, namely a certain undead German dictator with an insatiable thirst for human brains, who leaves idiotic analogies in his wake. Unfortunately, with the 2008 election being behind us, there was a dearth of…
Isn't it beautiful?
Credit: Revenant Magazine The origin of zombies (Genus: Zumbi) is well understood today, but this wasn't the case when they were first discovered in the early 1800s. Charles Darwin was the first to recognize that zombie "reproduction" results in a process of descent with modification in a way analogous to that of non-undead species. Darwin's insight was that, even though zombie's don't reproduce sexually, random mutations in hereditary material can be passed along after a zombie bite. Each "daughter zombie" then inherits the traits of their parent and pass those traits along to their…
tags: Zombies Like Turtles, ScienceBlogs' Zombie Day, humor, funny, silly, streaming video Today is Zombie Day at ScienceBlogs .. and oooo, do you see the zombified me, pictured over there on the right? Moochas smoochas to my pal, Joseph, for my portrait! ... Ahem. This is an unofficial day at ScienceBlogs intended to celebrate silliness in a world filled with a shitload of mayhem, disaster and despair. So in honor of this day, I wasted half the fucking day spent hours watching silly videos before I finally settled on this particular one as being vaguely appropriate, since it ties the zombie…
Which one are you? (Link to malware at deleted) Just joking. We know libertarians aren't so simple: they are all a combination of two or more of the archetypes above. (And the hate mail will come rollin' in…)
tags: Konzerthaus-Musiker spielen Brahms und Ravel, Vuvuzela-Konzert, Berlin Konzerthaus Orchestra, Berlin, Germany, Helge von Niswandt, vuvuzela, vuvuzela concert, humor, satire, funny, silly, fucking hilarious, your inner child, music video, streaming video Those of you who think Germans can't laugh have not lived in Germany. Die Zeit (The Time), a left-leaning German weekly newspaper that is highly respected for its quality journalism, has recorded a vuvuzela mini-concert. In this charming video, three brass players from the Berlin Konzerthaus Orchestra, led by "ensemble abrassador," Helge…
It's an origins story! There's also a plug for the season 3 DVD, which will be coming out in a few weeks. I've already pre-ordered mine, but now I'm thinking I should order a second one for my mom. Maybe a third, for my mother-in-law? No, that would be pushing it, I think.
Rule #9284748 of Science: Your side projects will work beautifully, garnering you lots of middle-author yet high-end publications, while your main project stagnates in a puddle of its own filth, laughing maniacally as you poke it with a stick trying to get it to move. YAY SCIENCE!