
It's an amusing list of the various ways skeptics can be dickish. I've noticed that there's been a massive eructation of YDIW skeptics lately, myself.
Of course! This would work! What do you need to prevent pregnancy? Why, an extract made from babies, of course — 100% pure organic Brazilian rainforest babies. Unfortunately, it won't work for atheists, because you have to consume the babies homeopathically.
It isn't that I'm not athletic, I am - but my strengths in the athletic zone were never speed and agility - more forceful forward motion and tough elbows in basketball games. I've never been the kind of person who makes that rolling catch to save the game. Until now. You see, I've got a new sport - the baby goat roundup. This is definitely a speed and agility event, and I am now the queen. You see, we let our goats roam loose. Believe it or not, they don't go wandering into the road, but stay in the pastures. We only do it when someone is around to keep an eye on them (the rest of the…
Disney has always been aggressive about extending their copyright to the various Disney characters — they keep going to congress and getting more years tacked on. It's clearly past due that we should revoke all that (come on, Ol' Walt died when I was in 4th grade, and I don't care if his cryogenically frozen head is occasionally revived to dispense marching orders and consume baby brain smoothies). As evidence, I present to you the latest atrocity from the Disney channel, "Disney Blam!" What they do is take classic old Disney cartoons from the 40s, 50s, and 60s and 'update' them by adding…
NOH MY GAWD. *calms down* Okay, back story: I dont watch 'True Blood' until Monday nights. My weekends are super busy, so I just crash Sunday nights, and since there is nothing good on Monday nights until new 'Big Bang Theory' in a few weeks, I catch up on 'True Blood'. Last night... Last night, you guys... They used colloidal silver as vampire mace. To quote Pam:Colloidal silver. In-stock and overpriced at your neighborhood health food store. ALL THESE YEARS Ive been making fun of Lenny Horowitz and jerks like him, selling that crap as 'cure alls' to Average Joes and Janes... But now it…
Quick, accelerate the campaign of world conquest before anyone else catches on. The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Aqua ThreatDown - Oyster Sluts, Japanese Hackers & Israeli Regulators<a> Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election Fox News At least Colbert confesses to having an extensive collection of squid photographs. We could bond over that; perhaps we should bring him over to our side…?
Can a guy get some privacy? I just learned that some snoop crashed my hospital room to get a picture of me in distress. There may be worse to come. I've lost some weight lately (low fat diets and all that, don't you know), and because of the uncomfortable soreness of the area where doctors popped into my femoral artery, I don't like to wear a belt just yet…so I'm ambling about the house, holding up my pants with one hand, because if I let go, they'll be down around my ankles. This is not dignified. And then, of course, there are the revelations about my political leanings and future plans.
In case you've been wondering what was going to come after Intelligent Design, here's a similar hypothesis I stumbled across, Intelligent Gestation Theory. Hello fellow Christians and Atheists, My name is Erik Lumberjack. I'm founder and chief scientist of the recently formed Intelligent Gestation Institute. Our goal is apply insights gained from Intelligent Design to combat the current Theory of Pregnancy, i.e., that humans develop gradually from a sperm and egg. Our FAQs below provide more details. Thank you and best regards, Eric Lumberjack OPEN LETTER TO KANSAS SCHOOL BOARD Thank you…
This is Ray Bradbury. He's 90 years old. What is he doing? He's watching this video (which is still not safe for work). Word from witnesses is that he loved it!
Hi I was just authorized by my company, DrNatura, to offer an exclusive $10 coupon to you and the readers of Respectful Insolence, towards our most popular product, the Colonix Program. I thought you and your readers would be interested to know that DrNatura is an internationally recognized line of health products and programs specializing in body detoxification which can help anyone feeling tired, uncomfortable or stressed. I've put together a site with the coupon code, tips, symptoms, and lots of great content so please feel free to share any or all of it: If you…
I have no idea what this cartoon could be about <whistles innocently>. Just a suggestion, though: steak is tough, although it is an excitable tissue. Put a brain in a blender and liquify it, instead, and then you can just use a funnel to pour it in the USB ports.
How could they be unaware? (via failblog)
Daniel Merlin Goodbrey is on a mission to write a webcomic about visiting 100 planets. In the latest, he visits a planet of intelligent design creationists. That's harsh, dude, but I sympathize with the attitude.
I was amused by this infographic about sex toys, especially by some of the data. Did you know that Mississippians buy more anal sex toys per capita than any other state? I always knew there was something squirmy about Trent Lott.
What a nice idea: bad journalism warning labels that you can stick on newspapers and magazines. It only gets an "almost" modifier because these labels get slapped on after publication. Full-on brilliant would involve hacking into printing houses and digitally inserting the labels so they get printed on every copy.
Here's an amusing flash video for your morning: what if, after humans went extinct, alien space probes arrived to survey our civilization…and they arrived in the ruins of Kansas? I think we need to rename the Bible Belt. It's more like the Dirty Underwear of America — and you know what your grandmother always warned you about getting caught in an accident without clean underwear.
Tonight, at 10pm ET/9pm CT, Futurama features Evolution Under Attack. It looks promising… Futurama Thursdays 10pm / 9c Preview - Evolution Under Attack Futurama New Episodes Roast of David Hasselhoff It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
It was nearly a month ago when I first marveled at how nonsense could be so well-organized. My marvel was expressed at the awesomeness that was the Periodic Table of Irrational Nonsense (which, by the way, is now available in "sanitized" versions, as well as versions in other languages). It turns out that Crispan's effort has inspired one of my readers to try his hand at this whole organizating nonsense thing. This blog being what it is and all and his proclivities being what they are, he decided to create...drumroll, please...The Periodic Table of Vaccine Rejectionism, which he's given me…
I'd be tempted to open a cracker stand right next to him.
How to get from atheism to the complete extinction of the human race: (via somewhere on here)