Lotsa Links

It's quittin' time! Links for you. Science: Multiple vaccines in infants are harmful, a theory disproved Ozzy Osborne. Now genomics is getting somewhere. Sperm whale poo offsets carbon by fertilising the oceans with iron Nature's Bubble Business Model Other: Medicare cuts will strengthen doctors' negotiating position Tea Partiers Have No Use For Emergency Services Rebranding the Inner Potential that Is the Best You for the Industry's Future So Much Space
Have you heard about this great thing called the Internet? I found some links on it. Science: Bad news: From MRSA to LRSA Vaccine against 2009 pandemic flu also protects mice against 1918 strain A line in Clark Hoyt's final column bothers me Other: For today's active man GABRIEL GETS IT RIGHT The problem never gets mentioned The Bad Logic Of Fiscal Austerity Amish Farming Draws Rare Government Scrutiny Bill Maher goes there: "f*ck your jobs" to oil (& coal) workers Jail for Unpaid Debt a Reality in Six States (Strategic Default Pushback Watch) The Case for Calling Them Nitwits
Have a wild and wacky Wednesday. Links fahr ya. Science: Fences, guards, and information gaps: On the beach in Grand Isle, Louisiana The return on peer review Using iPads to bridge communication gap with dolphins Other: The Government's Elite and Regulatory Capture Two State Dissonance. Even apart from the Gaza flotilla attack, Jews can't reconcile the real Israel with some of their deepest assumptions. One-Man Government: The Clock Ticks On Prescription drugs and its copycats contribute to health waste "We Don't Need This on Camera": BP's Crappy Cleanup Job
There's a big ball of fire in the sky: I believe it's referred to as "the sun." Let's celebrate with some links. Sciencey stuff: Stone Age Color, Glue 'Factory' Found: The color and glue trade could have been a blossoming industry some 58,000 years ago Study Says Math Deficiencies Increase Foreclosure Risk Seal whiskers sense faraway fish Other: PR Push Against Strategic Defaulters Underway (Is There a Debtors' Prison in Your Future?) Pamela Geller, Bigot & Leading Conservative Blogger Does Fiscal Austerity Reassure Markets? What Went Wrong with Obama?
Just another Manic Monday. Links for you. Science: Boys and Girls and Math and Why Dr. Isis is Bored to Tears with John Tierney Female Teachers' Math Anxiety Negatively Affects Female Students Fiona Fox - Genocide, Swine Flu and the Problems with Science Journalism Who's the Audience for Tierney's Shtick? Other: "Money is a spreadsheet" Ghost Town Detroit In the Shadow of the Serengeti Don't forget about Beltway cowardice
It's a grey, shitty Sunday. Here are some links that probably won't cheer you up. Science: Primary care antibiotic resistance for common infections The Arc of Evolution Is Long and Rarely Bends Towards Advantageous Alleles: Why Does Popular Science Ignore Neutral Theory? Two modest proposals Are science journalists being overly criticised? Jeremy Laurance: When Science Journalism Goes 'Meh' Other: Union Life: What the Obama White House Fails to Understand about Worker Safety, Security Why Economic Advisors Are Paid to Be Economic Advisors Challenged and gifted: A lesson on dyslexia from…
Sun? On the weekend? NEVAH! But if you're stuck inside, here are some links for you. Science: The threat from sheep Gulf Oil Spill Disaster: Spawn of the Dead for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna? AVMA Member Hopeful Association Will Revisit Antimicrobial Position Other: George W. Bush, Torture President Democrats to organized labor: drop dead How do they get to be that way? Getting Us Out of This Fix In 90 Days
Have a Fabulous Friday. Links for you. Science: The Human Phenome Project Ten things you didn't know about bees The ASCO Meeting: The swag disappears! (2010 edition) Snakes in mysterious global decline Other: Like Glenn Beck, Ayn Rand Peddled Garbage As Truth -- Why Did America Buy It? Rand was mediocre. But she had a preternatural ability to translate her sense of self into reality. Doomed Pelicans: British Petroleum Neglecting Booms in Pelican Rookery Americans want to Soak the Rich MMCCLXXVII
Thank goodness it's... Thursday. Damn. Science links: Worth a Thousand Words (on Bluefin tuna and the BP oil spill) Humpback whales form friendships that last years The ASCO Meeting: The swag! Other: The Uncertain Impact of Merit Pay for Teachers A Little Bit Of Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing Anonymous attack from White House on labor backfiring big time
Just another manic...Wednesday? Anyway, links for you. Science: Strange find on Titan sparks chatter about life. Studies may suggest methane-based organic processes ... but maybe not EMRs are ugly, and what the next generation of doctors can do "Reporters are messengers" - a manifesto for failure Other: The Way the World Works Texas is right: We should teach kids about Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy. But let's tell the whole story America's Future Now: We have to get the public to support us to make Obama do the right thing (or not) What Helen Thomas missed 'A Very Deep Hole'
Happy Tuesday. Links for you. Science: Genetics & the Jews Bargain Basement Prices for Genome Sequencing Amazon forest fires 'on the rise' Other: Evidence Indicates that the Bush Administration Conducted Experiments and Research on Detainees to Design Torture Techniques and Create Legal Cover: Illegal Activity Would Violate Nuremberg Code and Could Open Door to Prosecution More On Why Banks Aren't Foreclosing On Homeowners Blue Dogs self-asphyxiate
'Twas a stormy Sunday night. Time for links. Science: The Importance of Collecting Data (Gulf Coast edition) Confusing Expertise With Authority Dept. of Unintended Consequences: Hepatitis B in West Virginia Other: Left Ed: Where Are the Journalists? Personal Financial Morality Chicago's teacher performance-based pay didn't work -- new analysis The No-Stimulus Economy The Myth Of The Progressive Blogosphere, And How It Grew
Rainy, crudy, stormy today. Plenty of time for links. Science: Pelicans, Back From Brink of Extinction, Face Oil Threat What the Spill Will Kill Other: Twitter with Chinese Characteristics: 马马èè? The Sarah Palinization of the financial crisis Why We're Falling Into a Double-Dip Recession Rashomon In The OECD Gotta Park Money Somewhere AT&T tries to defend its data pricing Long-Term Unemployment: It's the Benefits (in part), Stupid
It's a muggy Saturday here. Lots of time to read links. Science: MIT Team Designs Airliner That Uses 70 Percent Less Fuel The Orangutan and the Hound Less attractive fish have 'better sperm' Just How Bad Is Porn, Anyway? A Sad Day for Sustainable Shrimp USDA forecasts a plague of grasshoppers for 2010 Joe Mercola and raw milk faddism invade HuffPo Sharks likely headed back for Cape seal meals Other: CNN looking for "The Good Side of the Oil Spill" Representative Jason Altmire: Job Killing Deficit Hawk PICS of Oil-Soaked Wildlife; All the Rage in the Known Universe is Inadequate. Things…
Well, my Tuesday evening was spent setting up my shiny new MacBook. But I still have links for you. Science: Japan Plans a Moon Base by 2020, Built by Robots for Robots Solenodon hunt: On the trail of a 'living fossil' In E. Coli Fight, Some Strains Are Largely Ignored Male and female hedgehogs prefer different gardens Peak Wood: Nature Does Impose Limits. What lessons from the multiple experiences of Peak Wood can today's society learn for addressing global peak oil? Other: What Left? A constructive suggestion for retribution against BP The Gulf Oil Spill Shows What America Has Become "A…
Happy Tuesday. Here are a lot of links from a long weekend. Science: Scientists Build Case for Undersea Plumes Attacking Science to Defend Beliefs When science clashes with beliefs? Make science impotent Safety Rules Can't Keep Up With Biotech Industry Gulf oil spill is public health risk, environmental scientists warn Other: Slavery of migrant farmworkers continues in the U.S. to this day Headline of the Month: Why a Pigeon Is Under Armed Guard in India When Teen Pregnancy Is No Accident Weakening America: Mitch McConnell Shows How Insulin giant pulls medicine from Greece over price cut…
I'm travelling today, so here are some links for you: Has Obama created a Social Security 'death panel'? Fear Comes of Age Rand Paul Loves Socialized Medicine Infrastructure matters Revolt of the Wonks: Former Obama Advisors Want To Know What's Happening on His Deficit Commission "An Intelligent Version Of Libertarianism" The lesson of Rand Paul: libertarianism is juvenile Discretionary Budget Priorities Why Rand Paul matters Wall Street Cheats Cities and States: Widows and Orphans Next?
Some reading to start your weekend. Science: Friendly bacteria could evict MRSA in nasal turf wars Evolution is false, the Bible tells me so Who are the creationists? (by the numbers) Novel human microbiome genomes unveiled NIH Human Microbiome Project Researchers Publish First Genomic Collection of Human Microbes: Diversity of Human Microbes Greater Than Previously Predicted Other: What hath Reagan wrought? Part One Fundamentalists have a smaller vocabulary The trajectory of American Jews, lessons from history Blumenthal Recap What Dems Don't Want Mentioned In the Rand Paul/Civil Rights…
We're having a very wet Wednesday. Time for links. Science: A Piece of Internet History: Duke to shut Usenet server, home to the first electronic newsgroups Brand-new research: Vast increase MRSA, CA-MRSA diagnoses among kids CREDIBILITY Troubling New Research on MRSA in Kids Knowledge and Use of Cumulative Antimicrobial Susceptibility Data at a University Teaching Hospital Near misses fuel gambling addiction Other: Hermeneutic Circle Jerk NPF: WHY ED HATES RADIOHEAD, AND MANY OTHER THINGS When you're an ed-deformist, who needs evidence? Don't rush to link teacher evaluation to student…
Happy Tuesday. Links for you. Science: Scientists forecast decades of ash clouds: Many more of Iceland's volcanoes seem to be stirring Some NIH grants should fail The History of How Women Came to Serve on Study Section How Will They Spin This? Other: Shovel Ready Sure, I like my Keynesianism naked Blog matters: who is "revere"? Rekers, Evangelicals, Gays, and the Meaning of 'Is' Looting Social Security Riding Into the Sunset (401(k) vs pensions) A Heaven-Sent Rent Boy Of ideology, recession, and policy paralysis BLANCHE LINCOLN NEGLECTS TO DO HER HOMEWORK.... The Deficit Problem Is Not "We…