Lotsa Links
Happy Sunny Sunday! Links fahr ya. Science:
The Sequencers
Working 10 Hours or More a Day Raises Heart Risk, Study Finds
Walking and Obesity: The City Life vs the Country Life
Why Spiders Always Eat Ants By Starting With The Head
Life on Earth Arose Just Once
Pecunia Emptor
How to Save the News
The Nominee From Davos
It's Official ---Bart Stupak Is A Moron
Trading in Hubris: Pride, Overreach, and the Inevitable Blowback and Consequences
I'd Hear the Talking Through the Wall
A Non-Fighting Faith: Where Obama should shove his plea for civility.
Robert Downey Jr, clean and sober but…
I'm recovering from two days of Human Microbiome Project meetings. But that's no excuse to not have any links! Science:
Letting Go
World's biggest beaver dam can be seen from space: This woodland construction is the world's biggest beaver dam, which at 2,790ft is more than twice the length of the Hoover dam and can be seen from space
Boozing Treeshrews: Heavyweight drinkers in small packages
With China's help Arizona law can work
PowerPoint isn't evil if you learn how to use it.
What's the "We" Jazz, Thomas Friedman?
Closing main doors to the Supreme Court sends troubling message
Sunny but unseasonably cold. Time for some links. Science:
A new understanding of the evolutionary path of modern humans: Researchers find evidence of interbreeding between Neandertals and modern humans
Climate Change and the Integrity of Science
E. coli forces lettuce recall; 19 ill in 3 states
Germs, germs, everywhere (but what is one to think?)
Surveillance Over the Federal Reserve: On the Sanders Amendment to the Dodd Senate Financial Regulation Bill
Nearly 40 Million Now on Food Stamps
Why Is Business Writing So Awful?
Auto-Semiotic Asphyxiation
They Were Just Kidding
It's beautiful out. But if you're stuck inside, here are some links for you. Science:
The real reason why Steve Jobs hates Flash
Research suggests flu vaccine doesn't prevent deaths among the elderly
Antibiotic Use and Environmental Exposure are Key Factors Affecting Antibiotic Resistant Escherichia coli (E. coli) Carriage in Children in Peru
Farmers Cope With Roundup-Resistant Weeds
Empathy and epistemic closure
Printing Money
Despite Push, Success at Charter Schools Is Mixed
New Study: Liberals More Open Than Conservatives Online
Fiscal Sustainability Facts and Solutions…
Water, water everywhere, but none to drink. At least I can provide you with a flood of links--but mine don't break. Science:
Found Alive: The Loch Ness Monster of the Northwest Prairie. Alas, It Disappoints
More from Eyjafjallajokull
Halted construction pollutes waterways: Buildup of silt floods areas and endangers wildlife
The trillion-dollar fraud
Being Poor
Exciting New Taxes Are So Much More Awesome Than The Old Ones
Watching The Deficit Hounds of Hell
14 Ways a 90 Percent Top Tax Rate Fixes Our Economy and Our Country
The Great Wingnut Fucksturm
Financial Literacy
Obama NOW puts…
Happy Tuesday. Links for you. Science:
Science teaching: real and imagined problems
Oil Leak from Damaged Well in Gulf of Mexico
Uncertainties Greatly Reduced
Wind's latest problem: it ... makes power too cheap
Pellets over petroleum
Scientific Society Revises Climate Change Statement: science advances
Walling off the Nature Conservancy
What to Do About the Banks
Whooping Cough Outbreak in California Kills Two
Leftists to Elie Wiesel: Occupied Jerusalem can't be holy
Think Again: Mainstream Media to Conservatives: 'Thank You, Sir, May I Have Another?'
Unemployment for Those Who Earn…
In case it's not sunny where you are, here are some links. Science:
Clever New Caledonian crows can use three tools
Several Different Species of Killer Whales Likely
Borneo's biological treasures
Disposable Genomes: When Reading DNA Becomes Cheaper Than Storing the Data
Killer fungus seen in Pacific Northwest
Prison Rape: Assault Shouldn't Be a Part of the Sentence
When Flying Was Fun
Tax Tricks - Do Corporations Pass Taxes On To Customers?
The Financial Crisis as Crime Story
A Banana Republic With No Bananas
Merry Thursday. Links for you. Science:
But is it science?
It's a microbial world: Worldwide census ups diversity estimates for marine microbes one-hundred-fold.
Is this the end of migration? Climate change is affecting bird behaviour at a staggering rate. Some 20 billion have already changed their flight plans
Mat of microbes the size of Greece discovered on seafloor
The Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act
The algebra formula that saved an industry
What Conservatives Mean When They Say "Libertarian"
Ed Left: The Cognitive Dissonance of School Reform
It Was the…
There's some kinda local race tomorrow or something. While I figure that out, here are some links. Science:
E. coli illnesses at 5-year low in US
ClimateGate Inquiry: No Scientific Misconduct From "Squeaky Clean" Researchers
Lack of Trained Workforce Still an Obstacle to Smart Grid Success
E. O. Wilson was wrong!
Why Do Academics Write?
Why Athletes Are Geniuses: Neuroscientists have found several ways in which the brains of top-notch athletes seem to function better than those of regular folks
"Something Called 'Volcano Monitoring' "
The Ghost of Bobby Lee
A Call for Action: BMInt…
Thank the Intelligent Designer it's Friday. Let's celebrate with some links. Science:
Intelligent Design Is Rotten Theology, Too
Pavement power lights up Toulouse: Electricity generated by pedestrians used to illuminate street lights in France's technology capital
The Trouble with the Truth: Politics Squelches Science Again
Tom Hickey on MMT
Massachusetts Health Insurance "Market" Just Failed, And There's Worse to Come
Fox poll: IRS more popular than tea party movement
Between the John McGahern Ban and Westlife's First LP
NY-Gov: Bestiality, porn and racism from the tea party…
Merry Sunny Sunday! If you're stuck inside, here are some links for you:
Clustering under the new NIH scoring system, just as predicted.
Taxing the wealthy will kill the economy? Teabagger, please.
Neo-Confederate History Month
Fiscal Folly
Report cites questionable charter-school practices
Out-Republicaning the Republicans: Obama Revives Clinton's Disastrous Triangulation Strategy
Then (2006) and now (2010)
The Democrats Are Doomed, or How A 'Big Tent' Can Be Too Big
Merry Sunny Saturday. In case it's not sunny and mid-70s where you are (that's what the weather's like in my undisclosed location), here are some links for you:
Hyena laughs and giggles decoded
Krugman as Failure
Blowhards. Part One.
Nothing new about tea partiers
Spock with a Beard: The Sequel
More Doctors Giving Up Private Practices
The Right: Constantly On The Wrong Side Of History
To Sinead O'Connor, the pope's apology for sex abuse in Ireland seems hollow
Village Blowback
They Scorn Socialism but Want Government to Create Jobs
So, Uh, Stop Accepting…
Happy Saturday. While I'm away, here are some links for you. Science:
Significant But Wrong: Are Open Data Advocates Asking Too Much From Statistics?
Hobbit version 2.0: the undiscovered hominin
China, Japan and Cuba ignore science, vote against shark protection
Fundies don't really believe this stuff
Against 'Pro-Israel'
In Health Care Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality
First-Ever National Study: Millions of People Rely on Library Computers for Employment, Health, and Education
Transit options make District more affordable than suburbs
How does the individual mandate work?
I heard some kind of healthcare bill was passed or something. While I puzzle this out, here are some links for you:
Mass. tops nation in flu shots, report says
Aaand, Point Proven
Financial Shenanigans: the Repo 105
Explaining the Impact of Ultra-Low Rates to Greenspan
Parenteau: The Hyperinflation Hyperventalists
German Central Bank Admits that Credit is Created Out of Thin Air
7 Questions About Public Banking
Payback for Prochoicers
Why We Need to Dream
Saving the economy one breakfast sandwich at a time
Hit Me Baby One More Time
Richard Posner Has Another Book?
The painful truth about age…
Happy Sunny Saturday! If you're trapped inside, I have links for you. Science:
Love p-values for what they are, don't try to make them what they're not
Genomics: High-throughput "Next-Generation" Sequencing Facilities Map
Illumina still dominate sequencing market: ABI and 454 Jockey for 2nd Place
The chromosomal secrets of a plant pathogen
The great Catholic cover-up
Using Spreadsheets to Easily Create HTML Tables and Forms
How President Obama Got Us Here
Boston proposes redrawing Greenway skyline
He Took My Lunch Money, Or, Why Women Need Full Health Care
More On Progressive…
Happy Post-Evacuation Day. Links for you. Science:
Do Most Of NYT's Science Staff Doubt The Dangers of Global Warming? That's What One Prominent Science Journalist Claims.
CDC today
Mexican Cave Scorpions Show Specialization Not Evolutionary Dead End
Michael Kinsley Cries "Fire! Fire!!" in Noah's Flood
Such nice, friendly, warm-hearted people, those tea party folks...if only they weren't deranged!
The American Dream: Not Doing So Well
Everything David Brooks says about reconciliation is wrong
The Obama Show
David Brooks At His David Brooksiest
There's this big ball of fire in the sky. It scares me, so how about some links? Science:
The language of elephants
Anti-HIV properties of... bananas?
Journalistic malpractice on global warming
The value of "this is cool" science stories
Measles week, part II: Emerging disease
NASA finds shrimp dinner on ice beneath Antarctica
MRSA research round-up: hospitals, vitamins, pets
Library branches won't hang separately: Backers form citywide group to fight for them; will oppose Liberty Mutual tax cut
Father FOXy
Beyond Helter Skelter
The Trouble With Textbooks
Excerpts From the New Texas…
Still raining. While I'm off building an ark, here are some links for you. Science:
MIT researchers discover new energy source
Former astronauts criticize US moon decision
Another scary aspect of the mainstreaming of global warming denialism
Exclusive: Senators Accuse Homeland Security Spies of Cribbing From 'Questionable' Right-Wing Sources
The Dollar, the Deficit, and Accounting Identities
Coalition of the Shilling
The Votes are There to Fix it Later! Yay!
The latest inanity from David Brooks
Paul Ryan And The Republican Vision
It's a very Schlumpy Saturday here. Time for links. Sciencey stuff:
We're losing the rhetorical battle of global warming
Climate change makes birds shrink in North America
Your Chilean Sea Bass Dinner Deprives Killer Whales
Giant meat-eating plants prefer to eat tree shrew poo
Libel laws silenced me, says Francisco Lacerda, critic of lie detector system
Banning Abortion: The First Step Toward Theocracy
God Helps with Personal Decisions, Most Americans Say
An Epidemic of Laziness?
Jonathan Cohn Misaprehends the Sources of Opposition to Health Care Reform
The Empire Continues to Strike…
Thank the Intelligent Designer it's Friday. Links for you. Science:
Reviewer Blues
Broad Director wins prestigious medical prize
Dengue virus returns to Florida after decades
Humans found to have sixth taste - fat
Body mass index (BMI) as a measure of obesity and health: a critical appraisal
Disease hunting with whole genome sequences: the good news, and the bad news
"Adam Smith was not a Laissez-Faire Ideologue"
Guest Post: No One's Issuing Credit--Why Are Auerback and Parenteau?
How the War on Drugs gave birth to a permanent American undercaste
Why a Big Mac…