Lotsa Links

Links for you. Science: The narrow mind of GreenpeaceTom Coburn wrong on behavioral researchAfter 8 Decades, Tiny Toad Resurfaces in AsiaFood Companies Act to Protect Consumers From E. Coli Illness Other: On Early Retirement (must read)Other People's MoneyA Response to Corey Robin on The Political Idea of Monetary Policy (this is why I write about that new fangled technology known as money)With ALEC Exposed, Common Cause Demands an IRS Audit of Corporate-Funded Group's Gaming of State LawmakingLaw and law school economicsGoogle+ Circles? More Like a HoleQuestioning the Inca Paradox: Did the…
Links for you. Science: What Not to Say to a Pop-Science AuthorThe New York Times' Defense of AntidepressantsHow to Sell Your Fellow Students for $100Dr. Isis Issues Some Ad Hominems For Those Who Hang Their Hats on Rats (or Mice) Other: Greed, Excess and America's Gaping Class DivideThe Plague Doctor Will See You NowStep 1: Get Your Rich Friends to Give You Money.WE'LL ALWAYS HAVE FINLANDWIC on the Chopping BlockWal-Mart the Latest Victim of Global Labor ArbitrageObama's Speak/Doublespeak on EntitlementsBizarroworld economics"Pro tip: your opinion is probably awful if a bunch of racists…
Links for you. Science: How Well Do Miss USA Contestants Represent Their States?Hacking the genome with a MAGE and a CAGEThe Bugs That Changed Human HistoryTrouble in the Fourth Domain? Other: A Feminist Economist Speaks Out: Deficits are a Grrrl's Best FriendWhat Makes You Think Obama is Conceding Anything? (yes, Obama is a Rockefeller Republican)Twitter drives 4 times as much traffic as you think it does (explains a lot of what I see when I look at my referrals)A History of College Grade InflationThe Moral Imperative for the Continuation of Low Tax Rates for the Top Income FractilesDoug…
Links for you. Science: File Under WTF: Did the CIA Fake a Vaccination Campaign? (the blowback from this is reprehensible even by CIA standards)No Eureka Moments in Long U.S. Campaign to Crack Cellulosic CodePetty controversy: Tea Partiers vs. endangered manateesHow To Drink GatoradeWhy the Biggest Energy Suck in Your House May Have to do With Your TV Other: Harvard and ClassMichelle Bachmann wants to fire my wife.A Letter to Professor Dawkins from Victims of Sexual AssaultBuilding on history: Restaurant is set to be the latest tenant in the Old Corner Bookstore building, a site that has…
Links for you. Science: Super Awesome influenza antibodies: Slightly more helpful than Super Awesome HIV antibodiesBacteria resists the aroma of caffeineA Partial Cure for the "Is Consistent With" Syndrome (a good reason to understand mechanism)CIA's despicable Pakistan vaccination ploy (can't wait to see what the awful anti-vaxxers do with this...) Other: The Moneysburg AddressDeals Will Be BrokenEducation Reform - the Fix is InThe NEA And Our Absurd Education 'Debate'Choreographed Budget Cave InUnderstanding Obama (he's a Rockefeller Republican. Once you recognize that, it all makes sense)…
Links for you. Science: The Asian needle ant, an accidentally imported termite killer A Journal Is Not a Data DumpHow Seawater Can Power the WorldTiny snails survive digestion by birds (I wonder what this does to your microbiome...) Other: Ann Coulter Confuses Liberal and Conservative PsychologyNot-So-Representative InvestorsThe selfish revolution11 Things the Richest U.S. Households Can Buy That You Can'tMore Proof That Obama is Herbert Hoover (when a former Goldman-Sachs employee argues using Marxist language that Obama is too conservative, he has gone way too far to the right)…
Beautiful weather here. If you're stuck inside, here are some links. Science: Casey's Case: What Psychology Says About Anthony's Acquittal.Sunday AI: Leaping CockroachesThe Clap Came Back: Multi-Drug Resistant GonorrheaThe Path Of Increased Resistance Other: Rep. Ryan Tastes The Grapes Of WrathThe Pathology of Elite OrganizationsWhitey's generation: What was life really like for the tough boys of '30s and '40s Boston? From boxes in a basement, a startlingly clear portrait of their lives.JP Morgan Chase Fine: Another Slap on the Wrist for Wall Street10 Days in a Carry-OnState and Local Job…
Links for you. Science: Great Moments in Deceptive GraphsLife and death of GFAJ-1A second case of meat farmingThe Unexamined Society (broken clocks and all that...) Other: Ah Well. Never Bet Against Applebee's Salad BarsSuddenly tone matters (personally, I'm willing to admit that the approach is context-dependent)Frankly, atheists, skeptics, you're embarrassing as fuckJob Satisfaction, Education, and the Hedonic TreadmillExtremes of Craziness: Bernard-Henri Lévy explains why you're wrong about Dominique Strauss-Kahn (the title is snarky)Don't try taking pictures at Frog Pond (apparently,…
It's a skorcha! Cool down with some links. Science: On Algae FuelAncient China: The 15th Century FleetThe biology of Mauritius: part 2The practice does not invalidate the principle Other: Fundie AmericanaThe three fundamentalisms of the American rightGuest Blogger Starling: Schrödinger's Rapist: or a guy's guide to approaching strange women without being macedThe Whiny DemographicTest-Based Accountability and International Comparisons: Lessons IgnoredAskObama Is a Meaningless Marketing StuntAre Republican Voters to Blame for GOP Intransigence on the Budget?Why the Republicans Resist…
Links for you. Science: The end of E. coliE. coli: A Risk for 3 More Years From Who Knows WhereBayesian vs Frequentist. A pragmatic bioinformatician's viewCan evolutionary psychology walk the walk over walking? Other: Bible's Different Authors Revealed By New Language SoftwareCash Is Not the ProblemMy day as a shark biologist!Working Papers are NOT Working.Income inequalities and social illsReckless Endangerment of the TruthEducation expert: Pay teachers more, expect more from themGeorge Will Spreads Some Lies About the Economic CrisisSegregation in the land of limousine liberalism
Links for you. Science: Ye Olde Kitchen GardenDNA is now DIY: OpenPCR ships worldwideJohn Smith's genome sequencedTurnabout is fair play and Can religious teachings prove evolution to be true? Other: Why Do We Fetishize Budget Deficits and Not Trade Deficits?Systematic Cheating Is Found in Atlanta's School SystemA pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined spaceNotes for Reporters Covering Rape CasesUnsolicited Advice for Bristol Palin: Call It Rape"College for All" Dissected (part 1)Should All Kids Go to College?
Links for you. Science: We've heard that obesity and divorce can be passed from one person to another. Critics now wonder how the "social contagion" studies ever passed peer review.The New Mathematical Formula To Determine Penis SizeStop Experimenting With ScienceTen Simple Rules for Building and Maintaining a Scientific Reputation Other: Mothman: An Exposé7 'Ancient' Forms of Mysticism That Are Recent InventionsSetting the Record Straight: Correcting Myths About Independent VotersThe Sorrow and the Pity of Economists (Like DeLong) Not Learning from Their MistakesWhat We Don't Talk About…
Links for you. Science: Five myths about NASAWhy couples look more alike as time passesJokes About the Democratic PartyScientists Discover That Antimicrobial Wipes and Soaps May Be Making You (and Society) Sick Other: The Chinese Century?14 Propaganda Techniques Fox "News" Uses to Brainwash AmericansWanted: Leadership and the Willingness to Fight for Core Democratic BeliefsThe Horrible Plight Of The Not Quite Rich EnoughWhat's behind GOP attack on product-safety database?BMW layoffs exemplify the evisceration of the middle class: Every working American should be dismayed by -- and afraid of…
Links for you. Science: Fisheries: How Much Damage Can One Hook Do?Spiders Fleeing Pakistan's Floodwater Take to the TreesAssassin Bugs, the Insect World's Most Cunning KillersTrusting your instincts: Conservatives may actually be natural liberals at heart (the key part has to do with the role of fear) Other: Buy Lohan, Sell High: Why is Lindsay Lohan tweeting about the Federal Reserve's monetary policy?Ron Paul's Surprisingly Lucid Solution to the Debt Ceiling ImpasseThe Corrupt Corporate Incarceration ComplexNew York's AG Takes on the BanksBoston.com: Now free of pop-unders (it was a great…
Links for you. Science: Why is Anthropogenic Global Warming Denialism Important? Evolution machine: Genetic engineering on fast forward100 Years of IBM in PicturesThe Intelligence of Beasts: Cognition researchers move past 'chimpocentric' theories, raising new questions about human uniqueness Other: Earth to Democrats: It's Not Just the Tea-GOP Trying to Tank the Economy. Obama Believes Their Argument.How the meat industry turned abuse into a business modelThe Jews Aren't Going AnywhereIronic License, PleaseThey Want My Scalp. But They're Not Going to Get It.Drug Company Profiteering, Pill…
Fireworks in a few hours. Links for you right now. Science: When The Words "Just" And "Before" Foreshadow Bad Things For Medical ResearchF#%& you and your red tapeRisky businessThe Global Warming Crisis Other: Lindsay Lohan, financial punditAndrew Cuomo's Flawed Liberalism: Yes, he deserves credit for pushing gay marriage through. But New York's governor is still paying far too much attention to the millionaires, and not enough to the masses.Why does Dean Baker keep misleading FDL's readers about medical school expansion - and when will he stop?The Difference Between Testing and Test-…
Links for you. Science: Four mysterious retractions in the JBC for a group whose PI recently passed awayFinches use their own form of grammar in their tweets (so do humans. Snare drum, please)UC fears talent loss to deeper pockets: The departure of three star scientists from UC San Diego has officials worried about a possible brain drain tied to budget cuts. Kansas outlaws practice of evolution Other: Why Is Jerry Falwell's Evangelical University Getting Filthy Rich off Your Tax Money?We Don't Need to Cut Corporate Taxes, We Need to Raise Them (this is on Fox News. Really)First, Blame the…
Links for you. Science: Ion v. MiSeq - Is There a Competition, And If So, Why?Is Drug Resistance in Humans Coming From Chickens?Amazing looking fly (biodiversity is cool)Is Rape Natural?Did the PhD Kill the Masters Degree? Other: 10 Of The Craziest Things Michele Bachmann Has Ever SaidAt the front linesWhy Are Conservatives Scared of Cameron Diaz? "White Hispanics" are white people who trace their origins to Spain, and they're the reason reports of America's coming "white minority" status are 100-percent wrong.Prank Dog (it's a bad title; the dog is actually quite serious...about getting…
Links for you. Science: Believe it: man flu is realIgnorance, Fake Turing Tests, and BadsMiSeq Aims for Ion TorrentIrradiating organic food would save lives Other: Deforming the Graduate DegreeCurrent Test-Based Incentive Programs Have Not Consistently Raised Student Achievement in U.S.; Improved Approaches Should Be Developed and EvaluatedState and local governments should be listed as a primary risk to the US outlookNot So Dumb as Economists, Part 1Why Would Wal-Mart Hire Any Men?Keynesian Deficit Doves vs. MMT Deficit OwlsFacebook post sums up American justice in one pictureCutting the…
Links for you. Science: Breakthrough: New Flow-Battery Design Provides 10-Fold ImprovementDefending Stephen Jay Gould's Crusade against Biological Determinism (the criticisms of Gould's 'misanalysis' aren't are straightforward as claimed)What does it feel like to get bitten by a ground hornbill, I hear you ask?Gobi Desert Romans Are Unfounded Speculation Other: "Metro sprawl" misses better opportunities in the coreMichele Bachmann's Holy WarMichele Bachmann's Excellent AdventureThe 3 Wings of the Republican Party: The Crazies, the Corporatists ... and DemocratsDiane Ravitch, the Anti-RheeA…