Lotsa Links
Links for you. Science:
The Reinvention of Silk
Strong Beliefs About Vaccines Work Both Ways
The Young and the Perceptive
Social Networking's Newest Friend: Genomics
Doesn't Anyone Remember Christine Whitman? (I'm afraid the same thing will occur with Romney)
Infographic: Tax Breaks vs. Budget Cuts (key point is nobody talks about tax cuts that are spiraling out of control, such as the doubling of the mortgage deduction)
A Liberal Is a Villager Who's Been Screwed By a Mortgage Servicer
20 lies (and counting) told by Gov. Walker
The myths about unions
Political Illusions (Policy doesn'…
Happy Wednesday. Links for you. Science:
Genetic Genealogy and the Single Segment
Fungi Developed to Fight Malaria in Mosquitoes
What a real astrobiologist at NASA has to say
You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential
Why employee pensions aren't bankrupting states
When it Comes to Sex, Teens Are People Too
Robert Samuelson Wants to Take Money from Seniors to Make the Wall Street Boys Richer (actually, I think he's just not that bright)
Government in the cross hairs: Who are these evil workers who throw away our tax dollars so thoughtlessly? They'…
Just realized we lose an hour of sleep this weekend. Better get the links out soonest then. Science:
Gender Differences and Casual Sex: The New Research
How technology makes ideology irrelevant
Waiting around as transferable skill
We have no idea what we're missing
A Look at State and Local Gov't Employment
Ongoing Reports on the Republican Massacre of Parody and Common Decency
Ignoring the Data to Blame the Womenz
Seeking Integration, Whatever the Path
CUNY Adjusts Amid Tide of Remedial Students
Is Jersey City a Suburb? Joel Kotkin Thinks So.
Unemployment Interactive
Links for you. Science:
Ag antibiotic use: Risky -- but also sloppy and wasteful
A Nature chain retraction for Arabidopsis paper, and some unanswered questions
Mate magnet madness: When the range of possible explanations exceeds your own hypothesis
More Twitter Nonsense
Does running schools like a business actually argue for keeping LIFO? -- part I, the nature of layoffs
Does running schools like a business actually argue for keeping LIFO? -- part II, the need for layoffs
The Conservative Tradition of Attacking Teachers and Education
Costs of the Infrastructure Deficit
The US Isn't a…
Links for you. Science:
How is a mantis shrimp like a punching bag? The way it takes a hit.
Scientific acupunture
Ten Years Of Library Internet In A Small Town
Feds to investigate possible racial bias in Boston school closing plan
Bardella Email Scandal Reveals Sorry State of DC Journalism
Budget Deficits Don't Matter... EVER!
Premiere Plants
Tom Luna's education reform plan was a long time in the making: How Tom Luna's co-workers from the Bush administration -- and the private education companies they now help run -- positioned Idaho's schools chief to make changes that the for-…
Links for you. Science:
So you think you knew Templeton? A new report. (Not really shocking: The Templeton Foundation: Lie Down with Templetons and End Up with Lawsuits Against 'Climate Hawk' Politicians)
Psych-Out Sexism: The innocent, unconscious bias that discourages girls from math and science.
The fight over teaching evolution, climate change
Stopgap Spending Bill Severs Array of Education Programs
The economics profession is a disgrace
Air Travel, Train Travel, and Republican "Freedom"
Ezra Klein buys Rhee
What the People Want
A fetus will "testify" about abortion bill (it was a…
It's supposed to be warm tomorrow! Let's celebrate with some links. Science:
When Iron and Bacteria tragically collide: From the Middle Ages to the University of Chicago
Systematically Biased Beliefs About Political Influence: The Working Paper (I would love to see some neurosciency type blog about this)
Today is a day to be annoyed with Nature (Publishing Group that is) #NatureFail
There Goes the Neighborhood
Letter from a Teacher in Defense of Small Class Sizes
$1.2 Trillion: The Real U.S. National Security Budget No One Wants You to Know About (I don't agree with including the…
A balmy....27 degrees. At least the link supply isn't frozen. Science:
Reviving 100-year-old resting spores of diatoms
Electric Vehicles: Myths vs. Reality
Nobel Prize-winning chemist Kary Mullis offers a radical new way to treat infectious diseases as the effectiveness of our current antibiotics wanes
The Education of Jennifer Miller: An Update from the Frontline in the Fight against the Anti-Evolution Agenda
Top Six Revelations in the Call Between Fake David Koch and Governor Scott Walker
Michelle Rhee takes her education approach and union busting nationwide
Scott Walker's…
Links for you. Science:
Got Data??? (must read)
Natural history collections in ecological research
Some hospital infections sharply reduced. Others, not.
America's Crab-pot Mentality
Why Aren't Corporations Paying Their Taxes? (audio; a transcript would be nice)
Homeless in Hollywood
Release The Drama Queen Krakens!
Slave screams he thinks he knows what he wants
Why conservatives hate trains
Georgia Legislator Behind Bill Criminalizing Miscarriage is Christian Reconstructionist
What a difference a good night's sleep makes. Links for you. Science:
It just changes - that's all
Pretty Harvestmen (didn't even know they could be colored like this)
Quotations from Richard Lewontin
The Decline Effect Is Stupid (I think http://scienceblogs.com/mikethemadbiologist/2011/01/a_critical_cause_of_the_declin.php">my explanation is far more straightforward)
Scott Walker's unprincipled rigidity
Oscar Week in Mannionville: Why I gave The Black Swan the skip. Been there, done that, bought them breakfast. (glad to see Lance is back in the saddle)
Get Your Kid Off Your…
Rain? I thought only snow fell from the sky. Anyway, links for you. Science:
Oil-Eating Microbes Have the Appetite for Crude. But They Do Not Have the Stomach!
NASA cuts
In keeping with the spirit of recent events, I bring you...bats, bats, and lolbats
Killer Wasps!
The lone huntress
I Ruined Everything (& Why It Was More Work Than You Thought) @INTERNETTAXTROLLS
Look for the Union Label
Chris Christie's Brother Threatens Black Star News (how the 'elite' extracts its income)
The G.O.P.'s Abandoned Babies
And One Day, Perhaps They Shall Write
Overpaid Newspaper Columnists
Merry Sunday. Links for you. Science:
The Effect of Pseudonymity on Blogger Credibility
Confirmed: 80 Percent of all antibacterial drugs used on animals, endangering human health
Can the electronic medical record contain an entire genome?
A drop of treasure, lost in an ocean of debt
The best offense is a good defensin
Matt Stoller: The Liquidation of Society versus the Global Labor Revival
Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators
Did anti-Mubarak protesters assault Lara Logan?
Movement starts to create America's 51st state...splitting Pima County off from…
Links for you. Science:
How to Wipe Out a Family
Animal Domestication
The Bayh-Dole Act
Sequence Analysis 101: A newbie's guide to crunching next-generation sequencing data
The Mind of a Police Dog
Republican Budget Cuts at Heart of Medical Research: Albert Hunt
Plutocracy Now: What Wisconsin Is Really About
Dear Washington DC: The Public Is Smarter About Money (and Deficits) Than You Are
The Relationship between Union Membership and State Budget Deficits
It's the Inequality, Stupid
Free Trade, Efficiency, and a Punch in the Nose
Why our fascination continues: The Michelle Rhee story…
Rainy today. But that's better than SNOW. Let's celebrate with some links. Science:
Why You Should Be Jealous of South Korea.
Has Ion Torrent Taken A 318-Sized Lead over MiSeq?
The Strange Case of Ralph Hall
Drying out the cane toad invasion
Goodbye academia, I get a life.
Standard Washington cowardice
Too Bad The GOP Filibustered The Windfall Profits Tax Three Years Ago-- Watch Oil Prices Go Through The Roof
Are Climate Deniers and Front Groups Polluting Online Conversation With Denier-Bots?
Can't Be Tamed: A Manifesto
Thoughts on Teacher Seniority and "Last In, First Out"
The Most…
Graduate students rock! Why? Because they're organizing the clean up of the Wisconsin state capitol, along with an effort to get food and supplies to the protesters. Support them here. Now, onto the links comrades! Science:
Boston British soldiers.
Farm antibiotics, human illness and what connects them. (It has legs.) (I think the insect angle, while important, is a bit overplayed, but understanding the spread of resistance from the farm to the clinic is absolutely vital)
NCBI Response to PLoS One 6(2): e16410 (about the potential DNA contamination in sequence databases)
If we can put a…
Happy Tuesday. Links for you. Science:
The Fossa: Madagascar's Strangest Predator
Biotech industry says cuts will stifle--Federal budgets would slash aid; Mass. groups look to restore funding
A new spider species discovered in Seattle?
Antievolution bill in New Mexico tabled
House of Representatives Votes to Defund IPCC
Backward, Christian Soldiers
Twitter's Dirty Little Secret
Social conservatism & religious conservatism
Thankful for Massachusetts
Most Americans Are Closeted Big Government Spenders
Walkouts, Payouts, and Lockouts: Why the NFL's labor dispute should matter to you…
Kinda cold here. Let's warm up with some links. Science:
From the Trenches of the War on Science
Friday Beetle Blogging: A Stunning Staphylinid
Koalas bellow to attract a mate
Crocodile tears from experienced NIH investigators over the discontinued A2 revision
Disease!: Four billion dead
Sequenced: The Human Genome - 10 Years Later
Can you support teachers and bash teacher unions? The myths and truths
Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail? Financial crooks brought down the world's economy -- but the feds are doing more to protect them than to prosecute them
On Wisconsin
Answering My Question…
It's a sunny Sunday here. Kinda cold though. Links for you. Science:
A better, purer science
The Bubble, Genetics Exceptionalism and How Genomics Needs to Get Out More
Busting the 8-Hour Sleep Myth: Why You Should Wake Up in the Night
Drug residues and drug resistance in water: Not good
Friday Weird Science: Rats in PANTS
A handy questionnaire for street harassers.
His shelter is melting
House Dem reveals abortion on the House floor
The Death and Life of the Great American School System (part one)
The attack on Title X is an attack on women
Free Trade's Great, but Offshoring Rattles…
It's warm here. For a day. But I'll take it! And in exchange, you get some links. Science:
The NIH threatened
Bizarre mammals filmed calling using their quills
Robert Samuelson Is Dead Wrong About High Speed Rail (he's wrong about everything else too)
At AGBT, Sequencing Centers Provide Updates on Capacity, Projects
Potential NIH budget cuts
One-third of Dorchester households now use food stamps
The Ring Leader: The greatest team player of all time, Bill Russell was the hub of a Celtics dynasty that ruled its sport as no other team ever has
What happened to Black Wall Street on…
Go Wisconsin Freedom Fighters! Links for you. Science:
Army Ants As Living Legos
Evolution isn't easy, even in Galapagos
The Evolution of Swarm-Raiding Army Ants
I think you have all you need for a blog.
Blockbuster Decision: MERS Does Not Comply with Law
28 hours in the dark heart of Egypt's torture machine: A blindfolded Robert Tait could only listen as fellow captives were given electric shocks and beaten by Mubarak's security services
A disturbing threat against one of our own (about the Bank of America's possible slime campaign against Glenn Greenwald)
Night's bridges
It Takes a…