Lotsa Links

Because you can never get too much hemolytic uremic syndrome. Erm, that didn't come out right. Look over there! Links! Science: Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) in history--part 4: the bigger pictureEpidemiology and social media: conference failE. coli: Some Answers, Many Questions StillLow-calorie diet offers hope of cure for type 2 diabetes Other: Social Security and Medicare Cuts: Washington's War on the YoungWhy being vegetarian can kill more animals than eating meatDevelopment Roundup: demand for high-end housing is leading Boston developers to propose new apartment buildings. Now…
Links for you. Science: Not Enough Antibiotics: Just an Incentives Problem?The long and winding road to a PhD [infographic]A Proposal of Genomic Analytical Workflow in a Bacterial Pathogen Outbreak InvestigationThe Intelligent Homosexual's Guide to Natural Selection and Evolution, with a Key to Many Complicating Factors Other: Working until we drop: A fable for our times (must-read)Clarence Thomas Decided Three Cases Where AEI Filed A Brief After AEI Gave Him A $15,000 GiftI Do This Why?Alex Andreou: Democracy vs Mythology - The Battle in Syntagma SquareIn the Integer-Based CommunityA…
Links for you. Science: Ancient Europe: Cannibalism in EnglandFido Might Not Know What You Do and Do Not SeeNational Institutes of Health 1.0As E. coli continues to claim lives, new approaches offer hope Other: The Next Public Option (about education; last sentence is priceless)Finance Capitalism: Has It Eaten Its Own Entrails in Mortgage Fraud Debacle? (excellent synposis)Another Election About NothingThree words: Predator Drones. Domestically.Vote Suppression: the long strategyGreek state starting to lose grip on functions of stateFor Press, Secession No Longer Campaign "Roadblock" For Gov…
Links for you. Science: White-Nose SyndromeScience publishers don't care about the publicE. coli data released under Creative Commons 0 licenseWorried about deliberate introduction of the German E. coli germ? Please read this.Department Of Energy Makes $150M Bet On Solar Tech Other: Justices Have Been Forced To Resign For Doing What Clarence Thomas Has DoneAmerican youth: Digitally skilled and unemployable.Why The Atlantic's Article On New Age Medicine Is WrongTax increases will create American jobs (raising taxes increases the value of tax expenditures/deductions)Transportation overhaul…
Gray. Rainy. Here are some links to brighten things up. Science: Massive Neandertal Denisovan introgressionSue the TRex lipbalmHow I Taught Third Graders Binary NumbersSNP-based phylogeny confirms similarity of E. coli outbreak to EAEC Ec55989 Other: Michael Hudson: Free Money Creation to Bail Out Financial Speculators, but not Social Security or Medicare (must read; key point is that Wall Street is perfectly willing to be Chartalist when it helps Wall Street)With Friends Like TheseHow Republicans Talk About Climate When No One's ListeningAt least this can't happen on the Orange Line…
Links for you. Science: Today's falsehood: Correlation Implies/Does Not Imply CausalityHemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) in history--part 1Synthetic biology: Parlor trick, or proof of concept?The German E. coli outbreak: 40 lives and hours of crowdsourced sequence analysis laterDeadly Fungus Invades Frogs' Last Safe Haven in Central America Other: Get Radical: Raise Social SecurityThe ACORN PrecedentClose Encounters of the Tax Myth KindWho should we listen to, Marcy Kaptur or Our Davy Brooks? (Yes, but who'll GET listened to?)All Work and No Pay: The Great SpeedupRetail Sales Falter -…
Links for you. Science: Five statistical things I wished I had been taught 20 years agoSafe havens for disease: Low vaccination rates in some Illinois schools raise risk of outbreaks, experts say (and this picture is worth a thousand words)Bachmann: Schools should teach intelligent design (will education 'reformers' oppose this? Doubtful)Complete map of German E. coli O104 (Acronym STpEAEC) genome released Other: The Swimming Pool that Turned into a MuseumFull Employment, Quits and Private TyranniesTotally. Fucking. Clueless. (it is really remarkable just how, well, clueless the Obama…
Links for you. Science: Felisa Wolfe-Simon Does NOT Get ItAnd now, from the Insane Clown Posse wing of the climate change debate...Cheap vaccine eradicates new cases of meningitis AThe Noble Priesthood and Other Lies We Tell OurselvesThe Government's Addiction Expert Says We Like What We Like Because We Like ItThe "triumph" of New Age medicine? The Atlantic strikes againUPDATE: Methods Behind BGI's Madness (interested in China's desire to set up its own Genbank; maybe this will lead to improvements at NCBI?) Other: OUR ABORTION WAS DIFFERENT: WHEN THE ANTI-CHOICE CHOOSEGa.'s farm-labor…
Links for you. Science: Genetic family trees show the German outbreak of E coli is a member of small family of germs called EAEC that includes an African germ and is distinct from EHECsGoodbye Team D? When One State's Cuts Hurt EveryoneChoprawoo returns, this time with help from Bruce LiptonUniversal influenza vaccination may reduce health care costs in the U.S. Other: How can small groups put a stop to bad behaviour? Make it a race for second placeYou Can't Be Around Women Without Groping ThemCNN Asks The Right Question. Republicans Have No Answer.How to Cut Child Poverty in HalfThey're all…
Links for you. Science: When Food Kills"Surreal" Vegetarian Spider Found -- A FirstUrban Wildlife Watch: 13 Year CicadasAngry Crows Attack Police Officers In Everett, Washington Other: It's the Health Care Costs, StupidIn a pure coincidence, Gaddafi impeded U.S. oil interests before the warBill Maher and Jane Lynch Give Dramatic Weiner Text Reading (definitely not safe for work)When miracle schools aren't so miraculous after allCut Wall Street Down to Size With a Financial Speculation Tax Strategies for Resistance and ChangeReal TalkFlattering lieWhy the debt ceiling is about dirty…
Links for you. Science: The outbreak strains have similar pathogencity as Ecoli EAEC strain 55989: Alignment of virulence factors from VFDBResistance genes plus adhesin in the chromosome? (more O104:H4 goodness)E. coli outbreak and biofilmsCreationism creeps into mainstream geologyIn Politics History Matters, Science..Not So Much Other: My Happy Abortion: One Woman's Guilt-Free StoryThe Green Revolution Backfires: Sweden's Lesson for Real SustainabilityRogoff: Age of Transit Systems "Spooky"The Case For Co-Ed DormsNOTHING EVER CHANGESA library is many thingsThe conservative war on…
Links for you. Science: E. coli data released under Creative Commons 0 licenseIn Pictures: Spotting weedy seadragons of AustraliaBeavers get tough defending their turfAggregative plasmid - new E. coli genome from HPAAfter David Koch Leaves NIH Board, NIH Hands Down Long-Delayed Classification Of Top Koch Pollutant As A CarcinogenChemical Free Crazies Other: Building Better Kids: It's the Preschools, StupidThe Giant Banks Are ALREADY State-Sponsored ... So Why Not Create Public Banks to at Least Share the Gains, Help Out Main Street, and Grow Our Local Economies?It's all about sex, and that…
What is the sun doing in the sky? Let's celebrate with some links. Science: Charity: Save Four Million Lives With VaccinesGrape-Sized Amoeba Raises Questions About Origins of Animal LifeRisk, probability, and how our brains are easily misledAn early cure for parents' vaccine panic Other: The faith-based economics of deficit reductionRant: Live Free and Die of Boredom (don't forget about all the naughty sex you can't have in these 'free' places either)Saudi Arabia on the Hudson: NYPD Officer Stopped Cyclist For Wearing SkirtAre All Labor Market Matching Problems Structural?A life in the…
Dear rest of the East Coast, please stop hogging all of the heat wave. As a gesture of good faith, I'll share some links with you. Science: Advice for Grad StudentsGould's "Unconscious Manipulation of Data"NDM-1 in a US military hospital in AfghanistanRuling Favors a 10-Inch Citizen of France Other: Carbon tax nowTroubling Economic Signs for Obama's Re-ElectionBeck University's David Barton: The Founders settled creation/evolution long before DarwinWhy I Don't Hate On Weiner (good post, but I 'hate on' the phrase 'hate on'...)On Weinergate: Before Throwing Stones...How to Cut Crime,…
Links for you. Science: The Mismeasure of Science: Stephen Jay Gould versus Samuel George Morton on Skulls and BiasOnce more unto the "government waste" breachAnnouncing The Batavia Open Genomic Data LicenceNo joke: This is the biggest battery breakthrough ever Other: Making workBeyond the Drug War: Drug Policy, Social Interventions, and the FutureThe Rentier RegimeAgainst pruderyWeiner, Spitzer, Clinton and the Web of Authoritarian Sexual PoliticsIn defense of nekkid pictures, even of dudesHyperinflation for HyperventilatorsOur Wasteful Health Care System
Links for you. Science: Waffling over E. coli cause points to 'incompetence,' US expert says (Poor title that triggers anti-U.S. rage; EU public health people think its amateur hour too)How to Teach Physics Real GoodSome NIH grants should failPCR: A Revolutionary InventionSo Much More Than Plasma and Poison Other: In Who's Interest?State, local layoffs to hit record levelsThe Times' Andrew Ross Sorkin Gives Goldman a RubdownVets to Delta: Stop Charging Troops for Combat Equipment
Here are some O104:H4 links. The E.coli O104:H4 Genome Analysis Crowdsourcing wiki is also a good source of the latest scientific information. Anyway, links: TGAC helps in crowd-sourcing analysis of E. coli strainPossible T6SS in EAEC 55989 is absent from TY2482 genome?STEC/EHEC outbreak - horizontally transferred genesPhage analysis of German E. coli outbreak genomeE. coli: What we know and need toE. Coli: Don't Blame the Sprouts!Typing of German E. coliMore Stomach-Churning Facts about the E. Coli OutbreakAre Bean Sprouts the End of Organic Farming? Nah.New German STEC/EHEC data from…
Stormy and hot today. Stay inside with some links. Science: Why are sore throats cultured, and why are antibiotics administeredNo fixed addressNSF requests for "conflicts of interest" lists drive me batty and seem to penalize collaborative, interdisciplinary researchersNIH funding rates drop to record lows Other: Letters Reveal Names of Wisconsin 'Fake' DemsI Guess The Lord Don't Live In New York CityDecline and fall of the American empireThe Worst Thing About "Weinergate?" The Total Obliteration of Sexual Privacy by Ideologues Like Andrew BreitbartAnteater Taking a ShowerA Glut of New…
Links for you. Science: BGI releases a complete de novo E. coli O104 genome assembly and is making their detection kit protocols and synthesized primers freely available to worldwide disease control and research agenciesHow many blue lobsters does it take to start a business?Australian climate scientists face death threats, cyberbullyingSunday Spinelessness - Flat animals and biology's age of discoveryBulb In, Bulb Out Other: The Lives of Homeless ChildrenFalse Fear Of A U.S. Grain ShortageOur Fantasy Nation?Late Night: Hey, Kids! Let's All Point and Laugh at the Homophobe!The philosophy of…
Links for you. Science: Breaking the hourglass for headings that hollerIt Takes a MovementThe Second Lives of Academic PostersMore MRSA, in milk: A new strain in cows and humans Other: The Return of Back-Alley AbortionsIdaho Woman Charged For "Unlawful Abortion," Turned In By Anti-Choice AdvocateGroupon Is a Straight-Up Ponzi SchemeWhat Do Economic Models Really Tell Us About Elections? (but see Silver, Economic Indicators, etc.)This is why the United States is doomed: The GOP response to the jobs report: The Earth is flat and two plus two equals fiveBoston Authors' Favorite Places in the…