NYC life

tags: Frozen Grand Central, NYCLife, streaming video On a cold Saturday a couple weeks ago in New York City, the world's largest train station came to a sudden halt. Over 200 Improv Everywhere "Agents" froze in place at the exact same second for five minutes in the Main Concourse of Grand Central Station. Over 500,000 people rush through Grand Central every day, but on this particular day, things slowed down just a bit as commuters and tourists alike stopped to notice what was happening around them. [2:16] This event was organized by the group known as "Improv Everywhere."
tags: birds, killdeer, Charadrius vociferus, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Killdeer, Charadrius vociferus, as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: birds, great horned owl, Bubo virginianus, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus, as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: reptiles, monitor lizard, komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife I think this is the world's largest monitor lizard, the Komodo Dragon, Varanus komodoensis. as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: amphibians, leopard frog, Rana pipiens, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife I think this is a Leopard frog, Rana pipiens. as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: ladybugs, ladybirds, Coleoptera, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Ladybugs, Coleoptera species. as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: Journey to the Center of the Earth, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife A journey to the center of the earth (view 1, uptown stairway) as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). If you look closely, you can see fossils in the rock layers. Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size]. A journey to the center of the earth (view 2, downtown stairway) as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown/downtown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image…
tags: Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife An alligator, Alligator mississippiensis, with the shadow of a Stegosaurus behind it, as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: NYC Life, Brooklyn Bridge, Emily Roebling, NYC history I have been watching the superb series of DVDs called New York, thanks to one of my currently vacationing pet sitting clients who owns it (now I wish to own this series too, so I can watch it over and over again). Because of this series, I was inspired to republish a story that I originally wrote in November 2004 about my adventure on the Brooklyn Bridge. Brooklyn Bridge. Image: Henri Silbermann. Dans les champs de l'observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits prepares. (Chance favors the prepared mind.) - Louis Pasteur As…
tags: sea turtle, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife An unknown (to me) species of sea turtle (there are seven species to choose from) as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: turtle pond, reflection, NYC, Central Park, Image of the Day Reflection on Turtle Pond, Central Park, NYC. One of my series in "Monet Made Easy." Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George. [larger size].
tags: spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife A spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta, as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: rodent, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife An unknown (to me) species of rodent as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: jaguar, Panthera onca, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Jaguar, Panthera onca, as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: amphibians, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Marbled salamander, Ambystoma opacum (left) and Fire salamander, Salamandra salamandra (right) as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: Eastern Screech-Owl, Megascops asio, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Eastern Screech-Owl, Megascops asio, in flight, as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: Madagascar Hissing cockroach, Gromphadorhina portentosa, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Madagascar Hissing cockroach, Gromphadorhina portentosa, as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: Pale Male, red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis, birds, NYC, Central Park, Image of the Day Pale Male, a pale-morph red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis, a few seasons ago as he appeared in the book, Club George. Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George. [larger size]. I don't have a photo to show the actual event but I had a startling sighting in the park yesterday. Long story short: I whistled to attract one of "my" Northern Cardinal regulars but a group of eight White-throated Sparrows raced toward me instead. I thought it was neat that they had learned to recognize my sound the way…
tags: hummingbird, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Hummingbird in flight, as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.
tags: red kangaroo, Macropus rufus, photography, subway art, AMNH, NYC, NYCLife Mother and child of the Red Kangaroo Macropus rufus, as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash). Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size]. Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.