A Few Things Ill Considered is just as happy as the next vile, hate-spewing, far left smear machine that Barack Obama actually won the recent US Presidential election, but I have to say I am so ready to be really disappointed!
Call me a cynic, but we've had progress waved under our noses before, only to have it snatched away by spineless, self-serving Democratic congress people and the harsh reality that the real power structures in the US are not all elected officials.
Nevertheless, when it comes to tackling climate change, the signs are really hopeful, even if the challenge is enormous.
Like every leader on their way out the door, Bush hopes to make a few more last-minute changes before we get our much-needed new president. One of his maleficent plans is to gut the Endangered Species Act despite active, loud protesting from the environmental community.
As if his general lack of care (adding only 10 species a year to the act - even daddy Bush added close to 60 a year), trimmings and changes in 2004 weren't enough, Bush has put the Endangered Species in his sights yet again. His plans - to remove the clause that requires projects to receive scientific review of environmental…
tags: Barack Obama, politics, victory speech, election2008, streaming video
This is the third and last part of Obama's victory speech delivered on 4 November 2008 [9:47]
tags: Barack Obama, politics, victory speech, election2008, streaming video
This is the second part of Obama's victory speech delivered on 4 November 2008 [10:31]
Obama in Manhattan, NYC.
Image: GrrlScientist 18 September 2008 [larger view].
I was working on some writing when this .. erm, vehicle .. pulled up in front of my coffee shop to pick up a volunteer who was selling Obama buttons from a small portable table on the street corner. This is not the first time I've seen this vehicle driving around while wearing Obama decorations, and this serves to draw attention to the fact that I have never seen enthusiasm for the McCain/Palin ticket that is even vaguely similar to that shown for Obama/Biden.
I live in a low-income, primarily Spanish-speaking…
tags: The Simpsons, election2008, Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama, streaming video
I know this is meant in jest, but I find it to be somewhat frightening since this very scenario (somewhat modified) already happened eight years ago! In short, Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama and gets a nasty surprise.
tags: presidential primaries, racism, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Democratic primaries
Image: NYTimes.
It isn't news any longer that Barack Obama has apparently won enough electoral votes to be nominated as this nation's democratic candidate for the presidency. However, what is news is the fact that a fair percentage of Hillary's supporters are, by their own assertions, a bunch of whiney, bigoted pigs because they claim they will either vote for Rethuglican John McCain instead of fellow Democrat, Barack Obama, or they will refuse to vote at all. So, while a lot of people are overjoyed…
tags: presidential primaries, super tuesday, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Democratic primaries
Image: NYTimes.
This picture represents my fantasy: I see a great presidency resulting from the combination of two intelligent and passionate minds together: two people who discuss things between themselves (and with others) before making important decisions -- unlike the typical relationship between a president and vice president in this country, where the president more or less ignores the vice president. But Hillary and Barack are not like all those others that came before them, so why…
tags: Iowa caucus news, politics, Obama, Democrats
With 97% of the Iowa precincts reporting, there finally is a clear winner;
Barak Obama 38% (16 delegates)
John Edwards 30% (14 delegates) Was John Edwards really in second place? If so, why did he end up with one delegate fewer than Hillary Clinton? Or maybe the delegates were not yet assigned as reported?
Hillary Clinton 29% (15 delegates)
239,000 people turned out for the Democrats, a historic high for Iowa Democrats -- slightly more than 10% of the state's registered voters. (124,000 turned out in 2000). Incidentally, 28% of all Democratic…