Open Thread

The misogyny thread is suffering from bloat, so I'm lancing it and allowing the pus to drain here. Continue your discussion, gentlemen. Any of the topics listed in the title are perfectly acceptable. Ladies, I recommend you wait outside. While the discussion may revolve entirely around your behavior and access to your ladyparts, your opinions will not be wanted and will be ignored anyway.
No one in the perpetual thread will expect the Inquisition to rise up out of an 80s pop song! (Current totals: 11,798 entries with 1,264,199 comments.)
If there are any grad students reading the procrastinative thread…GET BACK TO WORK. Don't watch this video. (Current totals: 11,788 entries with 1,262,152 comments.)
I had my own little prediction about what would happen in the recent split: I expected the HATE thread would start off with a surge and burn out early, while the LOVE thread would end up with the most comments by endurance. Boy, was I wrong. The two threads were neck-and-neck in commenting frequency through most of their lifespans, until last night when the LOVE thread petered out while the HATE thread got all fired up. Final scores: HATE, 702 comments; LOVE, 434 comments. It just goes to show that if love and hate go to war, hate will kick love's butt. But still, we need to bring everyone…
The everlasting community thread is getting fractious and ugly: the prolonged association is beginning to chafe, I think. So as an experiment I'm temporarily splitting the thread. This is the LOVE subthread. Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes. No mellow-harshing talk allowed here; if you must, take it to the HATE thread. (Current totals: 11,768 entries with 1,258,505 comments.)
The everlasting community thread is getting fractious and ugly: the prolonged association is beginning to chafe, I think. So as an experiment I'm temporarily splitting the thread. This is the HATE subthread. If there's something you want to get off your chest, if there's someone who has annoyed you, if you just want to make an angry howl of annoyance, this is the place to vent. No nicey-nice talk, either, just be brutal to one another within these confines. Can't handle it? Go to the LOVE thread. (Current totals: 11,767 entries with 1,258,505 comments.)
While the nattering thread natters on, Jewish comedians are busily designing the next generation of gods. (Current totals: 11,755 entries with 1,255,683 comments.)
You'll want to watch this a few times, denizens of the thread infinitely prolonged — it's subtle and potent. (Current totals: 11,739 entries with 1,253,343 comments.)
I just know participants in the indeterminately long conversation would never stoop to the kind of conversation common among people like Rush Limbaugh. Oh, no, the far right isn't a collection of racist, bigoted pigs. No sir! (Current totals: 11,733 entries with 1,251,659 comments.)
People keep sending this to me, and I listened to it once — and that was enough. But it keeps piling up in my mailbox! Maybe if I inflict it on the tortuous thread, it will stop. Although it does have some virtues: technically, it's well done within the conventions of country music, and the two vocalists are representative of the teabaggers. (Current totals: 11,720 entries with 1,249,345 comments.)
Past time for more thread.
How long can the immortal thread go on? It probably won't have the longevity of this piece of music, composed in about 1400BCE, and preserved in cuneiform for 3400 years. (Current totals: 11,700 entries with 1,246,452 comments.)
Hang on there, reincarnating the reborn thread always gives me a sense of deja vu. I'm sure, somewhere in its past lives, it was an Egyptian Pharaoh, anyway. (Current totals: 11,690 entries with 1,244,073 comments.)
I survived the 70s, threadkiddies, but then I discovered that vestiges of it still lurk on evangelical television. Hey, in the 70s we had the excuse that everyone making children's television was baked to the gills — what is Psalty's excuse? (Current totals: 11,674 entries with 1,241,253 comments.)
Forgive me, threadlians, but I just have to riff on this particular video. Don't be surprised, this is how all atheists tenderize their babies before the barbecue. Laugh-a while you can, Monkey Boy! In Russia, you don't go on roller coaster, you are roller coaster. Jane, Tarzan think Boy get enough exercise today. I held my breath anxiously through the entire thing, waiting for that moment when the baby would pee. Or better yet, poop. Right now, my kids are all greatly relieved that they were born long before YouTube. Dad might have gotten ideas. Well, son, I thought I had…
Look up, all you denizens of the twisty little thread, and think about…astrobiology! (Current totals: 11,637 entries with 1,234,909 comments.)
All the participants in the chattering thread know I'm easily teased into a link with a reference. (Current totals: 11,618 entries with 1,232,005 comments.)
What can I say, denizens of the obsessive thread, I want you to thrive in this new year. So I'm going to give you not one, but TWO videos with important health tips. The first takes me back to those days of Saturday morning cartoons in the 1970s. The second is some tips from Rebecca Watson. Doesn't she make a good Agony Aunt? (Current totals: 11,608 entries with 1,230,393 comments.)
Let us prolong the prolonged thread further with a little MC Frontalot. (Current totals: 11,591 entries with 1,228,173 comments.)
The Prophet has changed in the past few centuries. Don't be confused, Pharynguthreadlians, omnipotent beings have their whims. (Current totals: 11,578 entries with 1,226,199 comments.)