
tags: Sandwalk, Down House, Darwin, nature, photography, London, England, Bromley, England, sciblog A gate in a brick wall next to the greenhouse behind Darwin's Down House, where Darwin conducted a lot of his botany experiments. Image: GrrlScientist 31 August 2008 [larger view]. Sunday, the day after the Nature Network Science Blog conference was over, Mike, Mo and I caught a train to Bromley, England, where we toured Darwin's Down House and Gardens and walked along the famous Sandwalk that Darwin once walked. This is part three of my photoessay series about Down House, where I focus on…
tags: Sandwalk, Down House, Darwin, nature, photography, London, England, Bromley, England, Professor Steve Steve Darwin's "weed garden" experiment, located near the pathway next to Down House, near the Gardens. Image: GrrlScientist 31 August 2008 [larger view]. Sunday, the day after the Nature Network Science Blog conference was over, Mike, Mo and I caught a train to Bromley, England, where we toured Darwin's Down House and Gardens and walked along the famous Sandwalk that Darwin once walked. This is part two of my photoessay series about Down House, where I focus on the Gardens behind…
Adult plumage Ring-billed Gull, Larus delawarensis, stands on a lamp on Roosevelt Island, overlooking the East River. Manhattan Island is in the background. Image: GrrlScientist, 21 August 2008 [larger view]. I went on a little day trip to Roosevelt Island to look at birds and to learn a little about a company known as Verdant Power. Roosevelt Island (formerly Welfare Island, and before that, Blackwell's Island) is a small island that is roughly two miles long located in the middle of the East River, a tidal estuary that flows between Manhattan Island and the Borough of Queens. Verdant…
Portrait of a male Greater Prairie-Chicken, Tympanuchus cupido. Image: Dave Rintoul, KSU. 2007. This morning, I had the great privilege to watch male Greater Prairie-chickens, Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus, perform on a lek site located on the Konza Prairie in Kansas, along with Dave Rintoul's ornithology class. Not only was this the first time I'd seen lekking behavior for this species, but this was the first time I'd ever seen this species in the wild. To do this, I crawled out of bed at 430am, so I had enough time to comb the tangles out of my hair (I learned that all hair conditioners…
tags: photoessay, Konza Prairie, Manhattan, Kansas, nature I know you all are wondering what happened to me since I have been so quiet today, and the truth is that I am doing all sorts of amazingly fun things as long as possible until my broken wing makes me exhausted from ignoring the pain. At the moment, I am sitting in my very own office (!!) next to Dave Rintoul's in the biology department at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas. (It might interest you to know that this office is much larger than the first apartment I rented in the other Manhattan). I am uploading something close…
tags: Elizabeth Dodd, Moonrise over chimney rock, photography, photoessay Poet and writer, Elizabeth Dodd, and Moonrise over Chimney Rock. Image: Dave Rintoul, KSU [wallpaper size]. I have mentioned Elizabeth Dodd's poetry on this blog in the past, so I thought I'd share this photoessay of hers, Moonrise Over Chimney Rock, that was recently published in Notre Dame Magazine. Elizabeth Dodd teaches creative writing at Kansas State University. Thanks to photographer Dave Rintoul, Professor of Biology at KSU, I have posted the images here that pertain to Elizabeth's piece, so you might want…