
Russia is sending a navy squadron into the US"s backyard pool. The nuclear Kirov class cruiser "Peter the Great" with associated escort vessels. They will conduct naval exercises with Venezuela. Kirov class cruiser Pyotr Velikiy Partly in response to the USS Mount Whitney's little visit to the Black Sea, and partly in response to the re-activation of the Fourth Fleet with some amphibious assault ships, and, I infer, maybe the aircraft carrier USS George Bush attached to it. I suspect a not very subtle message is being sent. I infer recent admin official trips to EurAsia did not go over so…
What would Joe say...? It is Nihtattatanniieeee or something like that. Please.
So, I am still in Alabama because of lack of electricity in Louisiana (although we got power back last night - YAY!). My wife convinced me to go out and hear this band since we are staying at my parents and they said they would watch the kids. In general, I am way too old and crotchety to go out - but it appears I had no choice. Overall, it was not too bad except for staying out too late. (the band was actually pretty good - I think they were called [Fly By Radio](http://www.fly-byradio.com/) and they played 80s musics) The one thing I thought about while in the bar was the long line of…
Sultry friday, and there is a storm on the horizon. So, oh Mighty iPod. We bring the classical question: will Ares blaze forth and unleash Deimos and Phobos in the near future? Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh. The Covering: Hong Kong Garden - Siouxsie and the Banshees The Crossing: Grænmetisvísur - Thorbjorn Egner The Crown: It Says Here (Alternate Version) - Billy Bragg The Root: Burning Down the House - Talking Heads The Past: Coal-Train Robberies - Elvis Costello The Future: Concerto #6 in B flat major The Questioner: Among The Little White Daisies - Jeanne Ritchie The House: Bangsi…
Obama campaign has answered the ScienceDebate 2008 14 questions on science policy Hm: 7.5% increase per year for basic research. Teacher training, more graduate fellowships. CO2 cap-and-trade. Try lots of things on climate change. Broad, fairly sensible energy policy. Includes nuclear. Broad good noises on STEM and science teaching. Same on bioterror and defence research. No cooties over DNA. Increase stem cell research. Oceans are nice. Water is a state issue, sense not too touch that. Revive NASC, cross-agency space policy. Strengthen PCAST Health is an issue. Not bad.
I teach classes. I ask questions in class. I wait for answers. All faculty do this, so who cares. If you are in a class or teaching a class, how long do you wait for someone to answer your question? Well, I asked two questions of my class this week. 1. Estimate how long I wait when I ask you questions. 2. How long should you (ideally) wait in a class for someone to answer? Here is the data I gathered: (and I will tell you how long I actually wait) This is a class of about 30 students. Below is a histogram of how long they estimate I wait for an answer. To make things work out, I…
Sarah Palin, republican VP candidate, is, apparently a "teach the controversy" christian... This could get interesting: from the wiki entry "...Palin supported the teaching of creationism alongside evolution in schools,[31] however, she noted she would not use "religion as a litmus test, or anybody's personal opinion on evolution or creationism" as criteria for selection to the school board." [31] reference is Anchorage Daily News article: "...The volatile issue of teaching creation science in public schools popped up in the Alaska governor's race this week when Republican Sarah Palin said…
Rainy Fay Friday and we ponder near future happenings in the south eastern corners of the US. Oh, mighty iPod One: whence Gustav and Hanna? Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh. iPod divination for newbies - believe it! The Covering: Le Pantalon - Henri Dés The Crossing: The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Rogé The Crown: Fool #1 - Mavericks The Root: Sixpence Only - Spilverk Þjóðanna The Past: Accdents Will Happen - Elvis Costello The Future: Intro 2 - Billyie Holiday The Questioner: Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee The House: You Make Me Brave - Billy Bragg The Inside: Romeo and…
The current generation of reality shows are getting tired, a round of new concepts is needed: Big Brother: USS Enterprise The Aes Sedai of Orange County Pern Idol Survivor: Illearth Apprentice: Jedi Anarres' Next Top Model The Amazing Race: Middle Earth Fear Factor: X The Real World: Hogwarts PS: actually what we really need is Big Brother: ISS I might stay up to watch that...
Cpt. J.S. McCain III has come under a lot of unwarranted criticism recently. May I say, first of all, that I respect and honour McCain's service to the USA, its air force, and the Douglas Aircraft Company. Two of McCain's recent responses to questions have come under extensive criticism, particularly on the intertoobs: 1) that he was unable to remember, precisely, how many houses he and his wife happened to own at that precise moment, and; 2) that to be considered "rich", rather than middle class, required an income of order $5 million per year. These responses are much misunderstood, and I'…
the NAI CAN-5 selections were supposed to be announced last week, at the latest I am out of sources - what is the word on selections, time of announcement or reasons for delay? I gots to know
Two new physics blogs have been assimilated by the ScienceBlog conglomerate... Blake at Science after Sunclipse and Matt at Built on Facts Matt is currently contemplating the classic paradox of the free-falling electron... Anyone care to wander over and explain Rindler Acceleration and the Unruh Effect to the assembled hordes - I think you'll need to bring beer ;-)
Dear RapidWeaver, What did I do to you? I like you, I really do - but this is why we broke up. It's not you, it's me. No wait, it's you. I am looking back through my old dotphys posts and most of my introductions are GONE. I was starting to think I was crazy when I wrote these. Take for instance [My analysis of Kobe Bryant's Jump](http://dotphys.net/files/kobe.html). Isn't it odd how this starts? That is because it is MISSING the first paragraph. The only reason I know I am not insane is because of Apple's Time Machine. I went back and looked and the older file has an intro.…
Still friday? It is in some timezone. Playing with our reduced travel set iPod, we ask the Mighty iPod one: how, oh how will the lads do sunday morning? Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh. The Covering: In Love - The Datsuns The Crossing: I had a little nut-tree The Crown: The Army Goes Rolling Along - US Army Ceremonial Band The Root: Having a Blast - Green Day The Past: Towers of London - XTC The Future: Landslide - Dixie Chicks The Questioner: Færeyjarbl&uacutel;s - Bubbi The House: Election Koutche - Alpha Blondy The Inside: Dream River - Mavericks The Outcome: Liar - Sinthetix Hm…
Iceland's handball team beats Spain 36-30 and makes the Olympic final. More astonishingly, team handball makes it into US media! Clearly, this is because of the elves, because they are magic, you know. And the team captain is an existentialist. I think this is to be recommended for team sports in general.
there we were, at breakfast, when the Littler Munchkin found it. A rice krispie of an astounding configuration It was shaped, just exactly, like a Thor's Hammer. I kid you not. It was uncanny. (No, silly, not the USS Thor's Hammer, rice krispies can't do that). We deliberated for a while, and finally decided the only right thing to do was to sell it on eBay. The Greater Munchkin was just about to go get a camera when the Littler Munchkin got bored and ate it. Fortunately, shortly afterwards the Greater Munchkin found another rice krispie, this one shaped just like a duckie. We kept that…
Frantic friday as summer fares further. We skip to the Mighty iPod, and curiously query: how will IXO, the surprise hybrid of Con-X and XEUS fare? Whoosh goes the randomizer. Whoosh. iPod divination for newbies - believe it! The Covering: The Flight of the Bumble-bee The Crossing: Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra: Variation II: Oboes The Crown: Við Jólatréð The Root: Bengali in Platforms - Morrissey The Past: Sugardaddy - Billy Bragg The Future: Hello, I Love You - Doors The Questioner: London's Burning (live) - Clash The House: (Nothing But) Flowers - Talking Heads The Inside:…
I am really bad about participating in the ScienceBlog collective initiatives, backchatter and other social initiatives mostly this is because I am too busy or have an overinflated sense of selfimportance, I guess so, this is a feeble attempt at a remedy: 1) Big Think is doing a Donor Choose challenge - $1 for student science projects (in USA) from Pfizer for clicks. Er, so go click and stuff. 2) SEED is doing a ScienceBlog audience survey, this is important for their internal understanding of the actual audience, how it compares with their target audience and who they should be recruiting,…
Brad DeLong channels John Yoo, because he has an obligation to do so 'cause linking is an intrinsic good
Finns sweep the championships! Not The Olympics Edition: The sauna world championships, that is (or here, with picture). I don't understand though: the Daily Mail story seems to prove they wore swimsuits!; and, for some reason the men and women's events were separate; further, where is the ice and snow? This doesn't sound right, why would any Finn host a sauna championship in the heat of summer? Someone please tell me they at least provided birch for flogging...