Big Finn Win!

Finns sweep the championships!

Not The Olympics Edition:

The sauna world championships, that is (or here, with picture).

I don't understand though: the Daily Mail story seems to prove they wore swimsuits!;
and, for some reason the men and women's events were separate; further, where is the ice and snow?

This doesn't sound right, why would any Finn host a sauna championship in the heat of summer?

Someone please tell me they at least provided birch for flogging...


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Don't worry, the Estonians still won the Wife Carrying this year.

What is this "heat of summer" of which you write? About the best that can be said of this summer is that at least the vodka wasn't frozen.

You can spoil anything by turning it to a competition. No real conoisseur heats the sauna above 80 C. Or wears clothes in there.

The ice and snow is in the freezer, condensing around the bottles of Koskenkorva. BTW, Kossu is now also kosher.

By Lassi Hippeläinen (not verified) on 11 Aug 2008 #permalink