As its new corporate slogan - "Rethink Possible" - suggests, AT&T is known for its long history of continually exploring new ways to reinvent itself through technological innovation, educational outreach and community involvement. The global telecommunications leader is bringing this same spirit to the 2nd USA Science & Engineering Festival in its return as a major Sponsor! Get ready for a bevy of excitement when AT&T assumes key roles in next year's event, including serving as the official host of the Festival's high-profile Nifty Fifty speaker engagements where four of its…
By Larry Bock USA Science and Engineering Festival Executive Director They say New Year's resolutions are meant to be broken. But as another year begins, here is a national challenge we cannot afford to ignore, and should resolve to address without delay: the declining number of young Americans entering the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). This is not, nor should it be, a problem for our schools to tackle alone. It will take all of us -- from involved parents and teachers to employers, government entities, STEM professionals and civic and community…
The second annual USA Science and Engineering Festival is fast approaching and people are starting to take notice of what a great resource the Festival organization has become. The mission of the Festival is to re-invigorate the interest of our nation's youth in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by producing and presenting the most compelling, exciting, educational and entertaining science gatherings in the United States. We are absolutely thrilled to have ranked as one of the 50 Essential Twitter Feeds for STEM Educators by Best Colleges Online! Throughout the year, we at…
Global security giant Northrop Grumman Corporation is returning as a major Festival Sponsor and - in conjunction with the Northrop Grumman Foundation - is significantly enhancing the Festival's focus on technical innovation and STEM disciplines. "Northrop Grumman Corporation, in partnership with its Foundation, is committed to inspiring and encouraging the next generation of innovators in STEM disciplines through funding and support of educational and outreach opportunities for students and teachers," says Sandra Evers-Manly, vice president of Corporate Responsibility and president of…
The ResMed Foundation and the Farrell Family Foundation, which served as key Sponsors for the inaugural Festival last year and for the original San Diego Science Festival(SM) (organized by the Science Spark team) in 2009, is continuing its support by signing on as a Sponsor for the 2nd USA Science & Engineering Festival in 2012! "As the world becomes increasingly complex," says Dr. Peter C. Farrell, Founder of the Farrell Family Foundation and Founder, Chairman and CEO of ResMed Corporation, "an understanding of science and technology is ever more critical - which is the value that a…
When was the last time you saw a science special in prime time on one of the major networks? Better yet, when was the last time you heard rock stars speaking passionately and convincingly about the value of science, engineering and technology? If you had to think long and hard before answering, you're not alone. These phenomena are as rare today as sightings of Halley's comet. But they did happen -- in case you missed it -- as recently as this month when, the front man and producer for the award-winning musical group The Black Eyed Peas, teamed up with eminent technology innovator…
I am just now recovering from last week's Art of Science Learning conference in San Diego. For something that lasted just one-and-a-half days, there was an almost overwhelming amount of great presentations, great information sharing and exchange, and -- above all -- great people dedicated to moving the idea of the Art of Science Learning forward. When I first made plans to attend, I did so as an observer. However, soon after the presentations began on the first morning of the conference, I became an active and engaged participant. Each presentation provided me with a deeper understanding of…
Within certain education and policy circles the acronym STEM (i.e., science, technology, engineering, math) has become a common term, used frequently to be inclusive when referring to a broad area of scholarship and enterprise we deem particularly connected, i.e., those listed four subjects. How, or even whether the acronym is understood and fashionable outside these education "insider" groups is not well know. What is known, though, is that the acronym and associated term is not well defined even within groups that make heavy use of it. When we say STEM, do we simply mean any of the four…
Today the White House will have their own Science Fair that will kick off the final week of the USA Science and Engineering Festival. Read about it here. Event Will Highlight Winners of National Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Competitions WASHINGTON, DC -- On Monday, October 18th, President Obama will host the White House Science Fair celebrating the winners of a broad range of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) competitions. The President will view exhibits of these students' work, ranging from breakthrough basic research to new inventions, followed by…
As the nation's largest youth development organization - with a network of more than 6 million young people - 4-H prepares youth to move our world forward. Through out-of-school programming, in-school enrichment programs and camps, 4-H cultivates the next generation of leaders, strengthening our nation's ability to tackle leading challenges such as global competitiveness, world hunger, civic involvement, and becoming a healthier society. One Million New Scientists, One Million New Ideas 4-H is working to address our nation's critical scientific workforce challenges by preparing one million…
Star light Star bright first star I see tonight... One thing I love about camping and getting away from the city is looking up into the night sky and seeing the vast array of stars that populate the sky. I am always amazed by how bright and how MANY stars twinkle up there, but one of the more exciting things I love to look for are 'shooting stars.' And it looks like we are in for quite a show of shooting stars! One of USA Science and Engineering Festival partners, EarthSky, reminded us that the famous c that will be taking place this week. So take some time to look up at the night sky and…
It's time for round two! Tell us: If you could make one new scientific discovery or invention, what would it be? We will turn your answers into a beautiful Word Cloud! Submit your answers and see the results in the next newsletter! An image of our first Wordle which asked: Who is your favorite scientist of all time? Help us spread the word: Forward this question and link to your friends or post it on Facebook. Collect your students' answers and enter them into the form. Have ideas for questions we should ask the nation? Submit them here. To find out more about Wordles and to create…
We need your help to get the word out about the USA Science and Engineering Festival. Social Media cannot be done in a vacuum so we continue to ask those of you who are listening to help us get the word out through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and blogging. I think this is just another great example of how to help us get the word out. This blog was posted on Forbes Wolfe blog, Josh Wolfe is one of the Festival's Nifty Fifty Speakers as well as Francis Collins. Dr. Collins then gives insight into the role the USA Science and Engineering Festival will play in inspiring the future of science in…
The DC Weatherams eventFest Coalition is a partnership of government, scientific societies, private enterprise, and institutions in education which focuses on serving as an important resource for information on weather, water, and climate, and how these impact our lives. Recognized as a "Perfect Festival Partner" for its noted efforts in the event, the Coalition is especially cited by the Festival for assembling an impressive array of exhibits -- including those by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the American Meteorological Society -- all under the common theme, or…
Register now for the YCDTRC contest and attend a free teacher/coach workshop on August 14th from 1pm - 3:30 pm at The National Electronics Museum. Student names are not due until October 1st! The Rubik's Cube Tournament will place K-12 teams in competition for the fastest time to collectively solve 25 Rubik's Cubes. The top six finalists will compete for the championship at the USA Science & Engineering Festival Expo on the National Mall on 10/23. Prizes range from $100 to $1,000 and will be awarded by Dr. Erno Rubik, inventor of the Rubik's Cube To learn more about the tournament click…
Trauma surgery...emergency medicine...forensic anthropology. We know them today as invaluable fields in medicine and science - fields that save lives or provide important insight into the circumstances behind a traumatic death. What you may not know is that these professions, in many ways, were literally born under fire on the battlefields of war - from the Civil War to the conflict in Vietnam - where physicians and other medical professionals, working under dire conditions, often had to make quick decisions in diagnosing and treating severely wounded soldiers. Take a look at this intriguing…
Amgen, a leader in biotechnology, and the Amgen Foundation are committed to supporting science education programs and are proud to be a sponsor of the USA Science & Engineering Festival to further encourage bright young minds to explore a future in science and strengthen science literacy. Jean L. Lim, President, Amgen Foundation "Amgen applauds the Festival for bringing together leaders in science education to create an exciting educational event for students and the community," said Jean J. Lim, president of the Amgen Foundation. "The Festival can leverage the passion and expertise…
It's funny what inspires one toward a career in science or engineering. Kary Mullins who earned the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993, says it was the experience of growing up in the rolling foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina that did it for him. There, in a more simple and idyllic time than today, he had the freedom to build and launch his own rockets, and to dream while exploring the biodiversity in the woods, the swamp and the orchards near his home. Inspiration and the chance to discover are important for all of us. Like with Kary Mullins, these experiences plant…
Agilent is excited to host an exhibit featuring a "mystery solving" theme. This is your chance to don a lab coat, examine evidence and use hands-on testing techniques to solve a mystery. Support for events that engage and inspire students in science is one of the ways that we at Agilent invest in everyone's future. Darlene Soloman "Excellence in science education is crucial to worldwide progress and continual improvement in quality of life," said Darlene Solomon, Ph.D., Agilent chief technology officer. "By highlighting what's cool about science and engineering, the USA Science &…
Enter the Great Science Teacher Video Contest Great teachers inspire students to pursue a higher education in science and engineering. They communicate difficult concepts with ease. And they make science fun. Are you a great teacher? Can you explain the photoelectric effect so that students really get it? Or have you got the perfect experiment to demonstrate Newton's 3rd Law? Wouldn't it be great to share those lessons with the entire nation? Well, here is your chance. Simply shoot a video of your lesson and submit it to the USA Science & Engineering Festival. Winners will receive…