streaming video

tags: Atheists Can't Think For Themselves!, humor, funny, satire, religion, christianity, islam, Edward Current, streaming video This astonishing video sets out to prove that being a Christian requires constant thinking, while being an atheist sheep does not. This explains why atheists are the dumbest people God ever created!
tags: religion, fundamentalism, christianity, SPAM, MysteryBox, streaming video A hardcore atheist finds God when he wasn't even looking for God. It's a touching story with a happy ending. Although the star is having a bit of fun in this video, the point that the video star making is serious. The world is full of people making exactly the sort of logical mistake he's making in the video. As a result the world is filled with people thinking they have had a personal experience of their version of god yet all these people believe conflicting notions and have no real evidence for their beliefs.
tags: Chainsaw Illusion, magician, optical illusion, streaming video I ran across this amazing illusion recently and have been intrigued: how did the magician do this? Was the guy who was chopped in half actually two people? Was the short guy running around at the beginning of the scene the bottom half? Here's another view of the trick; Apparently, "half-men" have been known before;
tags: Finnish Father Christmas, Santa Claus, Rare Exports, comedy, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, holidays, Christmas, Finland, streaming video This fascinating video, filmed and presented in the grand tradition of a National Geographic documentary, follows three Finnish hunters through the far northern woods of Lapland as they track, hunt and train an original Father Christmas, Hoho joulusta, for export to other countries. The composer is Jim Dooley and the songs used in the film are "Mystic Tryst" and "Ancient Crystal".
tags: Hamburger Make Up Artistry, food porn, Buy Me That, streaming video This is another video in the Buy Me That series, which is designed to teach kids how to think critically about the television commercials they are constantly bombarded with. In this episode, we see some kids playing with a toy that turns out to be the opposite of what it is advertised to be. Perhaps this video should be required viewing for all kids in the weeks before Christmas?
tags: Women: Don't Drive!, entertainment, comedy, satire, funny, fucking hilarious, BBC Worldwide, Harry Enfield, streaming video More homework. Actually, even though blind agreement with whatever a man tells me is part of my social etiquette homework, I must point out that women are much safer drivers than men, based on miles driven. Better yet, this research was carried out by a man, so it must be true.
tags: Pigeon: Impossible, entertainment, comedy, funny, fucking hilarious, animation, Lucas Martell, streaming video This hilarious video animation tells the story of a rookie secret agent who is faced with a problem seldom covered in basic training: what to do when a curious pigeon gets trapped inside his multi-million dollar, government-issued nuclear briefcase.
tags: English for Aliens, Part 2, entertainment, comedy, satire, funny, fucking hilarious, BBC Worldwide, Harry Enfield, streaming video The aliens are out on the streets, learning about objects they encounter there. One thing that I noticed is that they have no problem understanding both uses for the word "shop" -- and just in time for the holidays, too. Tree, Tree, Tree!!! No, Thats a lamp post. Trrreeeeee!!! Alright, it's a bloody tree then!
tags: conservation, endangered species, Shark Finning, Sea Shepherd, human behavior, television, streaming video This is a television commercial by the Sea Shepherd. It is an appeal to stop finning sharks. Shark finning refers to the cruel practice of capturing sharks and slicing off their fins. Shark fins are a Chinese delicacy -- they are the main ingredient in shark fin soup. Since shark meat isn't worth the cost of transporting the massive shark bodies to market, the finless animals are thrown back into the water, alive. Without its fins, the shark cannot swim, so it sinks beneath the…
tags: Snowball, dancing cockatoo, behavior, streaming video This streaming video is a clip from a longer DVD, Snowball's Snowy Christmas DVD, which is now available for Christmas gift giving. Children love Snowball and this DVD features the sulfur-crested cockatoo, Snowball, dancing to Christmas carols.
tags: English for Aliens, Part 1, entertainment, comedy, satire, funny, fucking hilarious, BBC Worldwide, Harry Enfield, streaming video Despite my best efforts, I haven't started my German language training yet, but I already am receiving an education. My experience feels remarkably like what this video depicts.
tags: Christmas Gift Ideas, entertainment, comedy, satire, funny, fucking hilarious, BBC Worldwide, Harry Enfield, streaming video It's only ten days away! You're starting to panic, what can you get for those on your shopping list? Here's some good suggestions to make everyone happy.
tags: Hungry Beast, television, prank, hoax, media watch, ABC, streaming video The Hungry Beast team takes on the Australian media to see if the journalists can discern fantasy from reality. They fail miserably.
tags: Mute Monks Sing the Hallelujah Chorus, entertainment, comedy, funny, fucking hilarious, streaming video Can mute monks sing? Yes they can, as you will discover in this amusing video of mute monks singing the Halleluiah Chorus. Hat-tip to my good friend and former SB colleague, John Wilkins, who is celebrating these holidays as a newly employed (several months) tenure-track professor and published author in beautiful Australia. Go there and wish him happy holidays!
tags: The Conjugal Rights Guide, entertainment, comedy, satire, funny, fucking hilarious, BBC Worldwide, Harry Enfield, streaming video Now that the weekend is over, let's go back to my social education -- some of my social training includes *gasp* conjugal unpleasantness.
tags: religion, christianity, fundamentalism, wingnuttery, comedy, humor, satire, fucking hilarious, streaming video The Bible states clearly in Genesis 3:16 that the man rules over the woman. Did anyone follow this guy's "logic"? If so, please do explain to the rest of us who are still mortally confused. A flowchart might be helpful.
tags: The History of the Church of England, entertainment, comedy, funny, fucking hilarious, religion, Eddie Izzard, streaming video "The gospel according to Saint Bastard"? That particular book was never allowed in the original New Testament for obvious reasons.
tags: Woodpecker vs Snake, behavior, birds, Giant Bird Snake, Pseustes sulphureus, Crimson-crested Woodpecker, Campephilus melanoleucos, streaming video Here is some remarkable footage from somewhere in the Amazon (Peru?) of a Crimson-crested Woodpecker, Campephilus melanoleucos, taking on a "Giant bird snake" or "puffing snake", Pseustes sulphureus, that has raided its nest and swallowed its eggs.
tags: El Baile del Perrito, Un Perro Bailando Merengue, stupid pet tricks, animal training, humor, funny, streaming video This video documents a Merengue-dancing dog. Despite its cheesiness, it's really an interesting study in excellent animal training as well as a demonstration of how well an animal observes human body movements and body language.
tags: Hamburger Make Up Artistry, food porn, Buy Me That, streaming video This video is a segment from the popular series "Buy Me That." Featured is a "makeup artist for food," who provides us with this behind-the-scenes look at how burgers (and fries) are made to look their best for television. This just makes you want to run out to buy and eat some fast food, doesn't it?