streaming video

tags: forklift accident, jobs, humor, funny, oh SHIT!, streaming video This video is one of those where you find yourself laughing while you secretly hope that this will never be you. This fork lift operator backs up a little too fast and bumps into the edge of large pallet rack. He hits it just hard enough to start a domino effect bringing down all the shelving in the entire warehouse.
tags: mobile home commercial, television, humor, funny, streaming video This is a real commercial for a real mobile home company. Everything Robert says in it is true. (If more commercials were like this, no one would Tivo past them). See more funny videos and Funny Videos at Today's Big Thing.
tags: religion, evangelism, fundamentalism, belief systems, ray comfort, streaming video Ray Comfort's ministry hits a snag. It's all going so well, when suddenly.... Way of the Master - but who's the master?
tags: piano stairway, Sweden, behavior, social experiment, streaming video This video documents an interesting social experiment in Stockholm, Sweden, where students changed stairs into a piano, and compared before-and-after video of stairway use to escalator use. Brilliant!
tags: prank, Halloween, funny, streaming video This bratty brother scares the hell out of his sister so she will, no doubt, be plotting her revenge.
tags: pumpkin carving, Halloween, funny, streaming video What do you think: might this pumpkin carving design make Martha Stewart jealous?
tags: halloween prank, fake trick-or-treater, humor, funny, prank, scaring the neighbors, streaming video This is a funny video of a series of pranks committed on the videographers' neighbors. Truly inpsired! This is the original in high definition. For this Halloween Prank, the videographers (and pranksters) fixed up a life size dummy to look like a trick-or-treater, complete with bag of candy and hidden microphone. Then they went door to door with their fake "Timmy" to see what kind of reactions they would get. More videos from this videographer.
tags: Phidippus putnami, Jumping Spider, macro video, animal behavior, streaming video This remarkable video is of (probably) a sub-adult female Phidippus putnami Jumping Spider .. Video: Thomas Shahan [Thomas Shahan's photostream]
tags: environment, forest ecology, trees, forestry, carbon sequestration, global warming, climate change, Nature Conservancy, streaming video You know that trees store carbon, but what does that really mean? How much carbon does the tree outside your window store, and how does that compare to the carbon we emit when we travel or power our homes? How many trees are in your yard? I don;t have a yard (I have a fire escape), but my neighborhood is being revitalized by BYC's "Million Trees" project, so roughly by the time that I leave for Germany, the city will be planting trees on the street in…
tags: Paraphidippus aurantius, Jumping Spider, macro video, animal behavior, streaming video After taking the video of an adult male Paraphidippus aurantius eating a cricket and waving his arms threateningly at the videographer's finger, both the male and an adult female P. aurantius were released on a nearby plant. As stated in the video, the videographer did not intentionally cause the female to kill the male. The videographer says, "I was actually a little concerned that the female might try to get him, so I put them about three or four feet apart and went back inside for a little bit to…
tags: halloween costumes, effeminate boys, humor, satire, funny, fucking hilarious, ONN, Onion News Network, streaming video Anna Stephenson stops by Today NOW! to show parents of girly sons costume tips to survive Halloween without accentuating their child's already obvious homosexuality.
tags: Tutelina species, Jumping Spider, macro video, animal behavior, streaming video Here is some video (and stabilized from some really shakey footage using Deshaker, a plugin for Virtualdub) of male and female jumping spiders from the genus Tutelina. Not sure on the species, but the videographer's best guess is Tutelina elegans. The female could be mimicking the antennae movements of an ant. The music was recorded by the videographer. Video: Thomas Shahan [Thomas Shahan's photostream]
tags: Edinburgh, Scotland, big freeze, human behavior, streaming video Sunday, 24 Feb 08, Edinburgh, in front of National Galleries of Scotland. Roughly 150 people froze for five minutes in this fab flash mob (this is a long time to remain motionless!).
tags: Phidippus princeps, Jumping Spider, macro video, animal behavior, streaming video A nice little Phidippus princeps "chewing" on her (his?) feet, cleaning her eyes, and her fangs. Lots of fun palp movement, and a few glimpses of fang. Video: Thomas Shahan [Thomas Shahan's photostream]
tags: Food, Inc., food industry, factory farming, health, documentary, film, movie trailer, Eric Schlosser, streaming video This is the official trailer for a 2008 documentary based on Eric Schlosser's research (Fast Food Nation DVD or book). It identifies, describes and details the problems of the food industry, its effects upon our health and provides us -- the consumer -- with strategies for changing the way the food industry operates so farmers can earn a living wage and all of us can enjoy improved health outcomes. Learn more about this film or purchase the DVD.
tags: ant mimic, Jumping Spider, macro video, animal behavior, streaming video Unfortunately, no species ID yet (can you ID this spider?), but the mimicry in both form and behavior is truly beautiful, astonishing, really. Video: Thomas Shahan [Thomas Shahan's photostream]
tags: Project Kaisei, Oceanography, North Pacific Gyre, North Pacific Garbage Patch, plastic, pollution, environment, streaming video Underwater videographer, underwater photographer, and author, Annie Crawley joined Scripps Institute of Oceanography and Project Kaisei aboard the New Horizon on a 3 week long expedition to the North Pacific Gyre. They collected data to help find a solution to the "Plastic Vortex" forming in our Ocean.
tags: Invisible dogs, NYC Life, prank, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, WTF, streaming video As a NYCer, I can tell you that NYC is filled with weird people, but on some days, the populace is weirder than others. For example, more than 2,000 people walked "invisible dogs" down the streets of Brooklyn on a Sunday afternoon recently. The leashes were on loan from the current owner of 51 Bergen Street, the factory space where the invisible dog toy was invented in the 1970s. Participants of all ages spread out from Red Hook to Brooklyn Heights, very seriously walking their very silly dogs.…
tags: intelligent design, scientific process, science classroom, rational thinking, AtheistBusCA, streaming video Kenneth Miller provides a brief explanation as to why "intelligent design" is not admissible in a science classroom.
tags: atheism, African-Americans, christianity, muslims, JohnBeezy3, streaming video This video discusses something that I've often wondered: Where are the Black Atheists?