streaming videos

tags: Vatican Easter Speech 2009, Pope Ratzinger, catholicism, religion, cults, satire, parody, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video Just in time for Easter Sunday! Here is an except from the Vatican Easter speech (translated into English, of course). He does forget to mention the hundreds of thousands of children who were raped in His Holy Name (amen), but he does manage to talk about nearly everyone else in the world.
tags: cat, pets, animals, stalking kitty, YouTube, parody, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, streaming video This amusing little video shows a kitty stalking the photographer as she peeks around a corner in the room with her camera. In nearly every shot we see, the cat is not moving, but is magically closer to the photographer than in the previous shot. The last few seconds are especially amusing.
tags: marshmallow peeps, peep store, First Peep: Marshmallow Peeps Get Own Store, easter, news, humor, funny, silly, video, streaming video Marshmallow Peeps get their own STORE!! Yes, just in time for Easter! This raises all sorts of possibilities as far as sweet jobs that are available ..
tags: Another Housefly, machine, sculpture, gadgets, humor, funny, silly, Arthur Ganson, streaming video Another Housefly, a creation by Arthur Ganson. Ganson writes: To be honest, I never really liked Housefly because it made too much noise! This is a rethinking of the original mechanism that takes into account more aspects of the fly. The linkage arms which move the base of the spring-wire purposely mimic the front legs of the housefly as she cleans herself. Here's the original housefly machine that Ganson was improving upon:
tags: marshmallow peeps, Optometry Peeps, eyecare, easter, humor, funny, silly, health, streaming video This is an amusing and creative video of Marshmallow Peeps Bunnies having an eye exam.
tags: Wonders of The Solar System, space exploration, astrophysics, spoof, parody, satire, humor, funny, fucking hilarious, Dr Brian Cox, BBC, television, streaming video Here is an inspirational video trailer from BBC's television program, "Wonders of the Solar System", where series host, Dr Brian Cox, exclaims; "That's why I love physics so much, cuz physics is all about tryin' to work out WTF is goin' on."
tags: Peep Microwave Disaster, marshmallow peeps, easter, humor, funny, silly, health, streaming video This video is a demonstration of what happens when a marshmallow peep is placed in a specially modified 100,000W microwave oven. The result? Well, it's not pretty!
tags: education, public outreach, SciCafe, science cafe, AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, NYC, streaming video Who: Kristin Baldwin, Assistant Professor at Scripps Research's Department of Cell Biology What: free public presentation, "The Future of Stem Cells" When: Wednesday, 7 April at 700pm Where: Gottesman Hall of Planet Earth, American Museum of Natural History, Enter at the 81st Street (Rose Center) [directions and maps] Cost: FREE, and there is a cash bar too! (must be 21+ with ID) What if your cells could be engineered to grow your own replacement organs? Glimpse the…
tags: NASA, space debris, Space Junk, space exploration, streaming video Humans and garbage .. after you watch these videos, you'll ask yourself if humans can do anything -- even go into space -- without creating a huge trail of garbage? This space garbage is extremely dangerous, too. For example, 10-gram piece of debris can generate a collision force in space equal to the crash of a car traveling at 100 km per hour. Because of our trashy ways, it won't be long until space vehicles cannot leave earth because of the thickening belt of garbage circling planet. The news story: Or maybe you…
tags: marshmallow peeps, The Peeps, The Birds, easter, parody, humor, funny, silly, movies, streaming video This is a hilarious trailer for the spoof, "The Peeps": a parody of Alfred Peepcock's ... erm, Hitchcock's ... "The Birds." This film documents the biggest marshmallow threat to humanity since the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
tags: obama, racism, America, Why Obama Is So Scary, humor, funny, satire, fucking hilarious, social commentary, cultural observation, Edward Current, streaming video Another one of my boyfriends, Edward Current, uploaded this video today, even though he filmed it in August 2009. It's another rip-snorter, but the last few seconds is the real capper .. those last few seconds might be the reason he waited to share it with us until now ..
tags: freedom of speech, freedom of publishing, Philip Pullman, books, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ, streaming video Philip Pullman responds to the jackasses and crybabies of the world with regards to their whiny complaints about the title of his new book, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ. His answer succinctly addresses the larger issue of freedom of publishing/presses/speech. My response? AMEN! Philip Pullman, addressing an audience at the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford, on 28 March 2010, was asked about whether his latest book, The Good Man Jesus and the…
tags: Alex Filippenko, Josh Frieman, FermiLab, astronomy, astrophysics, Science Bulletins, research, American Museum of Natural History, AMNH, New York City, space, nature, universe, The Expanding Universe, streaming video In 1998, astrophysicists discovered a baffling phenomenon: the Universe is expanding at an ever-faster rate. Either an enigmatic force called dark energy is to blame or a reworking of gravitational theory is in order. In this new Science Bulletins video, watch a FermiLab team assemble the Dark Energy Camera, a device that could finally solve this space-stretching mystery…
tags: marshmallow peeps, Astropeep, peeponaut, easter, space, humor, funny, silly, video, streaming video I posted this last year, but I think it is worth repeating .. this streaming video lacks music, but it shows you the adventures of a very special marshmallow peep, an astropeep (or a peeponaut, depending upon which name you prefer) who traveled to the edge of space .. thanks to the Adler Planetarium's "Far Horizons 12" high altitude balloon mission, which rose to nearly to 97,000 feet.
tags: T-Shirts That God Would Wear!, religion, cults, comedy, humor, funny, silly, fucking hilarious, Edward Current, streaming video As a believer in the Prosperity Gospel, Edward Current prayed for abundance in his bank account. Here's what God -- and his accountant -- told him to do. Better yet, Jeebuz is helping out by pimping his new T-Shirts to the public! For the record, Edward Current doesn't even know I exist, and I do not get any rewards for placing this ad here -- not even a lousy free t-shirt! That said, I DO know what I want for my Easter gifts, and they ain't armies chocolate…
tags: How to Spot a Cult, scientology, branch davidians, religion, cults, mind control, investigative news report, mind control, mental health, beliefs, streaming video This Inside New Zealand investigative report is long but fascinating and very well-worth watching. It includes plenty of information on Scientology as well as other cults (Branch Davidians, etc) and gives a good overview of cult warning signs. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: Part 7: Part 8: Part 9: Part 10:
tags: cat enjoying attention, Trololo Cat, Eduard Trololo Khil, internet meme, YouTube meme, parody, funny, humor, fucking hilarious, television, streaming video This video features our favorite boyfriend -- right, my peeps? -- Eduard "Trololo" Khill, along with views of a kitty who is watching, open-mouthed in astonishment at what she sees and hears. Here's a few more links to Eduard: More from Eduard "Mr Trolololo" Khill (My New Boyfriend) Eduard Trololo Khil Addresses the People of the World! Scientology X(enu) Factor Russian auditions 2010 And my favorite of all: Captain Kirk Deals with…
tags: beards, facial hair, funny, silly, humor, streaming video In honor of Silly Saturday, I had to share this silly video with you. It's about beards. Those of you who know me will understand the significance for this video appearing here.
tags: coins, mint, manufacturing, technology, factory, education, streaming video This is an interesting video showing how the â¬2 coin is made. This coin consists of two different metals that are squeezed together into one coin. Interestingly, it uses recycled copper -- I wonder how many construction sites have lost their copper piping to thieves who then sold it to recyclers for manufacture into Euros? I also have embedded a second video that discusses the history of coin making as well as describing how less complex coins are made. Another look at coinmaking (admittedly, not as fancy as…
tags: Sanderlings Schiermonnikoog, birds, birding, wildlife, humans, conservation, education, streaming video This is a sweet little video about the Sanderlings that nested on the Niederlande beach of Schiermonnikoog. However, in just a few short years, they are rarely seen there. Why? This video provides some hypotheses. There is a brief mention of a book (in Dutch) at the end. I've never seen it, don't own it and have absolutely no vested interest in it or anything involved with it.