Thanks, Colorado Tourism...

...for supporting ScienceBlogs.

I normally don't pay much attention to the adverts Seed posts around this joint (and I joined Sb just after the "volcano episode"). However, checking the "Last 24 Hours" channel, I was pleased to see that the Colorado Tourism office has bought some ad space.

Karmen (Chaotic Utopia) and the recently-departed Kevin Vranes (NoSeNada) are both holding down the fort out West while I'm an expat. (Oops, Karmen reminded me below that new Sber, Chris Chatham, at Developing Intelligence is also a CU-Boulder grad student - sorry Chris.)

Not to hump the ad too much, but the free annual Colorado vacation guide is a great resource, winter or summer. Mind you, this is an odd year for the Front Range - Denver winters are usually milder than in the Northeast and I spent many a winter weekend skiing in the mountains one day, then running or biking in shorts the next.

The best-kept secret about Colorado are the summers - daytime temps in the 80s to 100 (Fahrenheit units, with apologies to my Commonwealth readers) with humidity in the single digits to teens, then cool enough for a sweater in the evenings. Some of the best music, food, and culture between the two coasts can be had in some incredibly beautiful settings.

Yes, it's getting crowded out there, but there are many secret places locals will be happy to share with you.

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Coming from the coast, Denver seems to have too little air :}

By ERIC JUVE (not verified) on 12 Jan 2007 #permalink

Shhh! They might find out about our glorious wildflowers, white water river rafting, and alpine slides! Sigh, I miss summer.

Actually, I wanted to point out that we have a new SciBling in CO, Chris Chatham. I'm looking forward to meeting him as soon as I get settled in at Boulder.

And ERIC, you should check out Colorado Springs... Dobson and his crew have all the hot air a person could ever want.