Happy Birthday, PharmSis!

i-6999100be19191e7995da17c5cf4cee9--greetings-from-quaint-key-west_-florida.jpgAnd happy 3rd blogoversary to Terra Sigillata.

Must be some sort of blogging stimulatory hormone in the water each December since both Orac and Greg Laden also celebrated a few days ago the anniversary of their respective blog launches.

But the reason I picked 15 December to launch Terra Sig with, "A Humble PharmBoy Begins to Sow," was because it was PharmSis' birthday and I knew I'd never forget that.

We won't mention what birthday this is for the ever-devoted little sister of mine (*cough*), but I just wanted to send best wishes out to her when she should be here in Key West with us. Turns out that she committed to her Memorwreath project as a fundraiser for my nephews' school and is frantically completing her projects as I write. Always thinking of other people, my sister is simply the best (although I really wish she were here to toss back a margarita or six).

I wrote the following two years ago and I can't do much better today:

A number of years ago today, with the number ending in a zero, my parents blessed me with a little sister. I was not the nicest little brother, we fought and I was frustrated that she couldn't read immediately upon coming home.

However, she grew to be one of my very best friends and remains the one soul who has experienced everything with me, joyous and painful. In fact, among her many gifts is to be there and mindfully present during the worst times of ones life.

When I was in grad school and she a struggling undergrad, it was PharmSis who would send me a few extra dollars she had saved from her job to help me get by a little better.

She was the rock following the death of our Dad.

She flew to be with me the day I moved out of my beloved mountain home in the days leading up to my divorce.

I only have one sibling but there was never any need for another.

Happy birthday, little sister!

A good kid, that PharmSis.

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A number of years ago today, with the number ending in a zero, my parents blessed me with a little sister. I was not the nicest little brother, we fought and I was frustrated that she couldn't read immediately upon coming home. However, she grew to be one of my very best friends and remains the…
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I specifically launched Terra Sigillata on my sister's birthday last year so that my aging brain wouldn't have to remember (or forget) yet another important date. The original post and ad hoc mission statement holds up pretty well after a year. I've also moved my second post, "Why Terra Sigillata…

I wish I could hope that one of my siblings could write something so lovely about me one day. That would be the day that ambient bacon goes aloft, the place where Dick Cheney will go opens its first chairlift and that moment on the mall when President Harold Stassen takes the oath of office.

Congrats to Pharmsis and to the brother who clearly did not do too much harm attempting to persuade her to read.

your devotion to your family is beautiful.

little sisters are meaningful, even if they didn't share every day of your entire life for the duration of their existence. there's something about them. i teared up a little when my little sis first called me asking for homework help. even though she was in college before that could happen.

My siblings are my favorite, most beloved, most important people on the planet, bar none. I know exactly how you both feel, your fierce devotion to each other. Happy belated birthday & anniversary!

And to mark your anniversary you are broken. When I click on your story about the small East Coast Earthquake from the scienceblogs latest posts page I get an error. When I try to leave a comment on it from your main page I also get the error. Happy Anniversary :-)

Congrats on your anniversary! I could never ask for a better big brother. I love you!

Yes, congrats! A while back you suggested that you would cut back on posting; which makes it difficult to maintain one's interest. However, you are doing alright.

Happy blogiversary, Abel! Mine was born in December too... Strange month for the like-minded. Must be shared qi or something? ;-)