Fantastic academic posts by Female Science Professor

As I've been more than swamped as of late, I wanted to offer up some of insightful posts my colleagues around the blogosphere (I can just get in about 20 of the my most recent feeds from Google Reader while making the coffee, although putting the laptop on the range top is probably a bad idea.).

Dear Freshman - FSP's take on a nine New York Times essays on advice for the incoming college student

What To Expect When You're Clueless - Two students with comparable records are applying for grad school. Which of the two faculty reactions do you have in response to Student 2?

Regular programming will return in about a week or so.

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Sean Carroll is offering more unsolicted advice (though it is in response to a comment, which makes it borderline solicited...), this time about choosing an undergraduate school. He breaks the options down into four categories, with two small errors that I'll correct in copying the list over here:…
I've found myself in the weird position of giving career advice twice in the last week and a half. Once was to a former student, which I sort of understand, while the second time was a grad student in my former research group, who I've never met. I still don't really feel qualified to offer useful…
Gleðileg Jól! Another blast from the past of Ye Olde Blogge You're in grad school. Yay. Now wtf do you do... Well, you need to jump through the hurdles first. Most places have some course and seminar requirements, you may in some cases test out of them or waive them, but think about whether you…

I am interested in math

By Walter Calvin Moore (not verified) on 09 Oct 2009 #permalink