The tree-climbing dinosaurs are coming

i-309b5240626de9100beed48c1344b958-Deinocheirus a la Rozhdestvensky.jpg

Annoying teaser ahoy! The tree-climbing dinosaurs are coming...

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Darn you! I saw the headline and got ready for an interesting read, scrolled down and...BAM a tease! Don't keep us waiting.

Sorry, Coturnix, but that's not a Therizinosaurus. That's Deinocheirus, the infamous "giant ornithomimid" from late Cretaceous Asia.

By Gray Stanback (not verified) on 20 Jul 2008 #permalink

just thought id say nice blog! im hoping mine will eventually be quite biology based - although at the moment its rather random. only made it yesterday though!
i did a whole essay on this! ^

Tree-climbing dinosaurs? That's un-possible! Everyone knows that the only tree-climber was Hypsilophodon, and it climbed trees out of pure boredom.

I guessed for years that many known dinosaurs were tree climbers.

Its simple. Forest treetops are rich ecological niche for plant-eaters and predators. Treetops in mesosoic forests were one, too. Life evolves to occupy every empty niche. So, either big community of mesosoic tree-dwelling animals magically hid itself from fossil records. Or mesosoic tree-dwellers are before our eyes but paleontologists overlook it.

For example, I interpret famous enlarged foot claw of dromaeosaurids and similar as tree-climbing aid for bipeds, all aggressive functions being secondary.

Thats great, Darren, when are you going to get it out of the tree when it gets stuck?

(I once saw my father rescue a stuck cat...its not easy or particularly safe...and the blighters are never grateful to be rescued...)

Deinocherius is a gian basal ornithomimosaur, it isn't?So why is climbing in that picture???And, if it is one of the greatest theropod that ever lived (9-13 m long), it's too big for live on trees!!There are a lots of tree-living dinosaur, but they are very small, like Microraptor, Scansoriopteryx, Epidendrosaurus, Archaeopteryx (i know, it's a bird, but birds are only flying dinosaurus)!!!

is the bone structure thats supposed to indicate they climbed trees? i can see how the wing claws of archaeopteryx would have enabled it to sort of climb/push itself up rocks/trees to get to a nest or something

Darren, since you're covering tree-climbing dinosaurs, I hope you may find time to comment also on the liana-dangling theropod pair who met their demise in a gorge at the hands of Peter Jackson's King Kong...

By Graham King (not verified) on 21 Jul 2008 #permalink