Those of you who notice such things might have wondered where I've been over the last few days: after all, I'm now pretty much in the habit of posting to Tet Zoo every day. I've been 'absent' due to internet problems (now resolved, for the time being at least)... though, yeah, I've got other excuses too. As a result, my plans have been temporarily derailed, but I'll try and get back to speed ASAP. Meanwhile, the adjacent image shows one of the things I've been busy with this week. Would like to tell you the whole story, but can't.
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Agh! I can't read it! Please tell me you're going to make that larger at some point, right?
Congrats BTW,
Kids take up a lot of brain space. You'll get used to it. In a while...
By the looks of it, under the baryonyx image you seem to be trying to work out how a megalosaurid jaw developed into a spinosaurid jaw. If so it's quite funny, as I was doodling along those lines today.
Go spend some time with your wife and children! We can suffer the pangs of withdrawal (and can use the time to reflect on just how much you've given us over the last three years!).
Dave Howlett wrote...
No no no - these sketches are annotated corrections. The spinosaur jaw pics show (at top) what the jaw is meant to look like, while the ugly thing below it is what the artist originally produced. And it's not a Baryonyx, but a spinosaurine.
Darren, I'm glad you've found the time outside your parenting duties for other things, because those sketches look very interesting. I'm quite a buff when it comes to the anatomy of dinosaurs and other extinct animals, I can never get enough information, so I'll be awaiting more details! P.S. I'll bet you're not getting a lot of sleep, are you?
It's amazing how cheerful all the heads look.
Ah, fair enough :) the sketches do indeed look interesting - hope we hear the full story someday!
Darren, your teasingness is abominable, but forgiveable given recent events!
I refer of course to the illegibility of the annotations and detail on those so-intriguing sketches.
Hint#1: if you post an enlarged version big enough to read, you can take a conscientious break from posting while we correspondents all just discuss your drawings at length.
Hint#2: if you do that, please be so kind as to superimpose a grid system for our ease of reference ;-)
Graydon said
That's because... Darren loves his dinosaurs... and his dinosaurs love him!
Nice drawings. May i ask where and how did you learn draw such things?