Which programming language?

Via Bill, I discover that I am:

You are C++. You are very popular and open to suggestions.  Many have tried to be like you, but haven't been successful
Which Programming Language are You?

It took some tweaking to get this result. I started out as binary, then became Lisp, then Java, before settling down on C++. I have never programmed binary, have only tweaked Emacs files (and don't know exactly what I did), and Java bugs me. Changing my choice of name for coffee dramatically altered my results, and given that I don't drink the stuff, that isn't really a sound basis for making that assessment.

Put your results in the comments.


More like this

Josh, I had to tweak the HTML produced by the test. I think there are some odd characters in the string that cause it to break. Note, the beginning anchor is missing. Also, had to insert a slash after the directory name "Images." My original cut/paste looked just like yours! Whew, I thought it was old PHP me!

Odd, I don't even know what I changed to make it work.

PHP for me. Which is quite reassuring since I write primarily in PHP. I particularly like the description of JavaScript: "You tend to be annoying to most people, but it's not your fault".

PHP here. "You are constantly changing the way you do things, and this tends to confuse people who work with you."

Yep, ruts are *boring.*

You are Perl

I don't think so. I detest Perl for its inconsistencies. I also detest the author of Perl for reasons which go beyond this post.

Favorite BASIC command: they didn't list mine;

I claim not to watch TV. I make good on that claim.

I am disappointed not to be identified as FORTRAN, my favorite programming language.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink