Nerdishness, redux

There's some sort of new pissing contest raging over whose watch is nerdiest. And while I can't compete in the sliderule competition, I think my watch prowess stands on its own.

I have no watch. No, that's false. I have a couple of watches somewhere or other. But I don't wear a watch. Why bother. Between my computers, my cell phone, my PDA, my iPod, and all the rest of my nerd gear, I have all sorts of clocks that automatically synchronize to internet servers on a regular basis. What good would a bracelet do me?

"Disdain for appearances" indeed.


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I'm afraid you aren't unique. I don't have a watch, either -- I use my pda. If there's something where I need to know about the time, I pop it into an alarm. I use it for everything, from planning experiments to timing stuff I put into the oven for dinner.