Ryun having trouble fundraising?

The Hill reports that the NRCC is making Republican representatives kick in more money than last year. But Kansas' Jim Ryun won't make his target:

"I've got a race back home I've got to finish," said Rep. Jim Ryun (R-Kan.), who won in 2004 with 56 percent of the vote.

Ryun admitted he has not given as much as he would like to the program.

"You do the best you can: if you make it, great, if you don't maybe it was a little high but you do the best you can," he said.

For someone who claims that there's no competition, he sure acts scared. And it shows the weakness of the NRCC, too. They are trying to raise the same amount of money, but are so sure their members will stiff them, they are just raising their demands on the rest.

You can help keep Ryun out of trouble by giving Nancy Boyda a hand.

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