Pober asks Where Will They Go Now?:
Phill Kline and Jim Ryun are unemployed (sometime soon).
Where will they go now? What do people like this do once they get booted from office?
My theory: Phill Kline moves to the second district and lays the groundwork to run against Nancy Boyda in 2008.
Jim Ryun will stay on the corporate gravy train, probably taking a lobbying position and continuing to work out of Ed Buckham and Jack Abramoff's old digs.
We'll see.
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Josh, first off, kudos to you.
You were a voice in the wilderness last spring and your contribution to the victories over dunderheadedness should be noted.
I'm not sure (based on an admittedly cursory look at county-by-county results) that the 2nd District would be receptive to Kline's christo-Republicanism.
Today's 2nd District is an amalgam of the old rock-solid Republican 5th District that was served for many years by minority congressmen; who kept in office thanks to constituent services. You might disagree with old Joe Skubitz or Bob Whittaker, but if your Social Security check was late, their staffers would react. Similarly, the old 2nd District was served by people such as Martha Keyes and Jim Slattery, for whom responsive staff work was a top priority.
Ryun's background of living off of under-the-table gifts made him a natural in the now-departed Tom DeLay Congress. It worked out pretty good for Ryun's bank account and real estate holdings. Nancy Boyda's real opportunity is to remind people that her new position, Representative, isn't just a title, but a job description.
Ryun's viability as a lobbyist has been marginalized, since all he might be qualified to lobby are minority members. And -- as I noted during his concession speech -- Ann Ryun is the "brains" of the operation.
Phill (the second L is for Liar) Kline's not going to start practicing law. Maybe he'll get a talk show on WIBW.