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An update on the hearings. Florida Citizens for Science intones You made an impression. Congratulations! The hearings seem to have gone well, and the violation of the constitutional rights by christian fundamentalists of public school children of Florida may have been averted. From tampabay.com…
From the NCSE newsroom: At least nine county school boards in northern Florida have adopted resolutions calling for the state board of education "to revise the new Sunshine State Standards for Science such that evolution is not presented as fact, but as one of several theories," according to a…
This from the National Center for Science Education: As Florida continues to consider the draft of a new set of state science standards, there are reports about mounting creationist lobbying against the inclusion of evolution and for the inclusion of creationism. Writing in the Miami Herald (…
All the kool kids are keeping their eyes on the Polk County, Florida, school board and their contention that 'intelligent design' should be taught alongside evolution in their public schools. Fortunately, several states have groups of concerned citizens who contend that actual science should be…

Josh, I just stopped by to say howdy.
Your bloggie seems to be alive and well.
Have a great day.
Oh, Yeah, you gotta be happy for Barack!