Busy, busy, busy

Tomorrow, NCSE is putting out a comprehensive response to the crockumentary called "Expelled: No Intelligence..." We're putting the finishing touches on now, despite the browbeating of Rob Crowther and Denyse O'Leary.

There will be more to say anon. I may even address "bittergate," a leading contender for "stupidest controversy ever" award. But hey, the election's not over yet!

Below the fold, secret, as yet unreleased, content from ExpelledExposed.com:

"the failure of intelligent design can readily be laid at the feet of its advocates, whose main activity appears to be to carp about the success of evolution."

More like this

There's a movie coming out on Creationism, Intelligent Design, and Evolution, called Expelled, and it's narrated/hosted by Ben Stein (right), a TV/film personality who is an overall intelligent guy (and used to have the TV show Win Ben Stein's Money), and used to be a Nixon speechwriter.…
Over at the ARN blog, Denyse O'Leary has a four-part article up attacking the peer-review system. Rob Crowther, of the Discovery Institute's Media Complaints Division, has chimed in with his own post on the topic. There's a great deal of humor in watching anti-evolutionists try to dismiss peer…
For those of you who don't know of her, Denyse O'Leary is sort of the ID movement's demented, spastic little cheerleader. She's a Canadian journalist who spends most of her time making profoundly silly claims in support of ID. Her latest bit of loopiness is to claim that Stephen Jay Gould would not…
A few weeks ago, Canadian journalist Denyse O'Leary joined the team over at William Dembski's blog Uncommon Descent. This presented her with a bit of a conundrum. On the one hand, she is surely aware that she knows nothing at all about science. But here she was expected to write regularly on…

Keep up the good work, Josh! Don't forget to add that ID has zero predictive power (since it's not a theory) and zero peer-reviewed research papers in scientific journals.

There was a commercial for Expelled on Comedy Central during or after the Colbert Report tonight. They're going live with this thing.

...despite the browbeating of Rob Crowther and Denyse O'Leary.

You call that browbeating? More like light touches with a feather. I'm not even sure what it was exactly that Bobo was trying to claim; that there is some conspiracy by the NCSE to cover up that not everybody in one the evolution side of the EvC culture wars agrees on the best tactics to be used? Are you kidding me? Or that somehow, talking to groups of atheists invalidates their desire to engage religious believers who also support teaching proper science? If that is the case, it is a whole lot about nothing. A gentle puff of air (with a kind of nasty, acrid oder to it - sort of like a fart).