Evolution: worse than atheism

Coral Ridge Ministries asked their members a question:

How dangerous are the following to the spiritual health of America?

Very Somewhat Not very
The ACLU and similar groups 96 3 1
Pro-homosexual indoctrination 95 4 1
Abortion 93 6 1
Islamic terrorism 91 8 1
Hollywood 89 10 1
News Media 87 12 1
Darwinism/evolution 85 14 1
Cults and false religion 82 16 2
Atheism 82 16 2
Courts 81 18 1
Apathetic/uninformed Christians 79 20 1
Colleges and Universities 78 21 1
Public education (K-12) 69 29 2
Congress 63 35 2

C'mon atheists, get on the stick! You haven't even overtaken cults, let alone the evils of Darwinism (whatever that is). Heck, the Coral Ridge gang dislikes their fellow Christians about as much as they dislike you.

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Apathetic/uninformed Christians

Do you suppose that's apathetic and uninformed? Because if it's either/or, I don't think my irony meter can take it.

Wow... they are really nutty. I am a fanatical anti theist and even I don't think Muslim's threat America's... spiritual health. They are more of a physical threat to Europe.

On the bright side they hate atheism as much as all other religions- I give them points for consistency.

By Samuel Skinner (not verified) on 22 May 2008 #permalink

What the feck is spiritual health? And in any case, I think my ghosts, wizards, and penguins are doing fine, albeit I'm a bit worried about wine in the cellar (spirits, gettit?).

And what about the spiritual health of the five other continents? Asia's had some big bumps in the night recently, and, well, lets not even mention Oz...

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go though life, son...but it IS good for your spiritual health.

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 22 May 2008 #permalink

They could have simplified the list into:

What Do We Fear Most

  • Education
  • Democracy
  • People Who Don't Think Exactly the Same As We Do

I guess children being sexually abused by spiritual leaders is good for Americas spiritual health, eh?

By Jamiej831 (not verified) on 22 May 2008 #permalink

I am an alcoholic and attend AA and NA (Narcotics Anonymous) groups. To us spirituality has these spiritual principles: Surrender (to higher power), humility, service, honesty, oprnmindedness, hope, and maybe 15 more.

I am not sure how those fit into their idea of spiritual health.

tom S.

Pretty soon the ACLU will be listed as a terrorist organization.

Oh yes, it will happen.

I said it first.

Colleges, Universities and Public Education?

Oh their God!

Cults and false religions is number 8. Does that make them self hating Christians?

Wow. Those survey questions are textbook examples of the logical fallacy known as 'begging the question'. It is like asking 'When did you stop beating you wife?' There are no logical answers to their questions if one disagrees with the premise.

That list is quite insulting to our colleges and universities. If they were doing their job, they would be the #1 threat to "spiritual health." I guess, in their defense, that one could argue that they are flying beneath the radar. ;-)

So, according to these people, if I were to have an abortion, that would be more dangerous to someone's spiritual health than 9/11. Sick.

Looking at that list it seems to me like they didn't understand the question and just started listing things they didn't like.

I'd like to see a list of what they think contributes to their spiritual health. Aside from the obvious, but nebulous ideas (they hate spelling things out too much) - Bible, church, submission, etc. I'll bet we'd be amazed to find some pretty scary things on that list too.

By Anfractuous (not verified) on 22 May 2008 #permalink

Zionism, Christian escathology (end times, rapture and all that)MTV ... nd so many other obvious ones are missing from the list.

Cults and false religion? Aren't all religions cults and therefore false? Talk about the Red Sea parting. Sheesh!

Uninformed Christians? Double, Sheesh! Is there critter called an "informed Christian?"

By Billy America (not verified) on 22 May 2008 #permalink

"Looking at that list it seems to me like they didn't understand the question and just started listing things they didn't like."

Hasn't that always been their criterion?

Wow. The ACLU is worse than uninformed Christians. Just let that soak in.

The leading organization that supports CIVIL LIBERTY and EQUAL RIGHTS is worse than hypocrites among the Christian ranks!

I weep.

More ridiculous is that fact that, if anything, Islamic fundamentalism has only stoked the fires of American religious fundamentalists, which I can only imagine is beneficial to (what they call) America's spiritual health.

Also, it's depressing how far down that list Congress is. Come on, you worthless legislators! The minimal danger you pose to our spiritual health tells me you're not working hard enough.

There are a multitude of questions which I wish they had asked.


How dangerous are the following to the spiritual health of America?

1. Inter-racial marriages
2. RU-486
3. Poets
4. Foreign languages
5. Socialism/communism
6. Rap music
7. Pornography
8. Drinks with little umbrellas in them
9. Jewish Bankers

What I'm facinated by is that two of the three branches of government made it to their poll (courts and congress), but somehow the executive branch didn't make the list. ;)

apparently Civil Liberty is bad for the spread of x-tianism. "If ppl are allowed to think for themselves and do as they please, then how can we create a theocracy?!" Education also seems detrimental to their cause, because if ppl know too much, then we won't accept their indoctrination. WTF is "pro-homosexual indoctrination"? they seen to have a mental disease what causes them to project what they are doing onto the perception of reality, which causes it to blur and they forget that THEY are the ones pushing an idea by brainwashing children. they want only pro jesus indoctrination, and since that is not allowed in anything but churches, they hate everything else, and fear that the information that they are not 100% correct will get in and steal away collection basket donators. courts are apparently bad to them because of the Dover trial. these ppl hate democracy, yet whine about their freedom of speech when we won't take their uneducated ranting seriously.

They could have simplified the list into:

What Do We Fear Most

* Education
* Democracy
* People Who Don't Think Exactly the Same As We Do

This can be simplified even further to


Doesn't education lead people to think differently from those at Coral Ridge? And since there are many ways to think differently [+ tolerance], won't that lead to democracy?

By natural cynic (not verified) on 23 May 2008 #permalink