Kansas Republican Delegation not behind McCain

Among the many Republican congresscritters not backing McSame, Todd Tiahrt truly stands out. Tiahrt claims to represent the Wichita area, and his refusal to back his party's nominee probably doesn't mean he backs Obama. He may well think McCain is too nice to immigrants, or is insufficiently Bush-like, or perhaps he's looking for a candidate who shares his anti-mother sentiments.

Then again, he's facing a tough challenge by Donald Betts, a popular black state senator who opposed the war early on. Perhaps Tiahrt doesn't want to make it too easy to draw the obvious analogy – Betts:Tiahrt::Obama:McCain.

McCain's popularity in Wichita is dropping, and his pro-war agenda is unlikely to help him any more than it did Jim Ryun in 2006.

Help Betts take Kansas back from mother-hating Republicans.

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