Bush's Brain, aka Turd Blossom, comes to Wichita to help "Memory Pills" Roberts remember how to run a campaign. Apparently Bob Dole is back in Kansas, too, bringing his special brand of medicine to boost a different part of the Roberts campaign. Looks like he's scared of Jim Slattery.
Meanwhile, State Senator Donald Betts, challenging mother-hating Todd Tiahrt in the Kansas 4th, is featured on this MTV website.
And who else but George W. Bush, Mr. 27%, is heading out to stump for Dennis Moore's opponent. I hope he does as much good for Moore as his last-minute visit did for Nancy Boyda's surprise win in 2006.
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Thanks for linking to my MTV report. I hope you'll check out the rest of my coverage of Kansas during the presidential race.
Wow Josh, you are so intellectual. Keep up the great writing, you will go far with that style of writing.