Life's little victories

At Wednesday's TSA oversight hearing, chief administrator John Pistole did not break down and reverse the "gate rape" patdown policy. But he did make a generous offer:

The head of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) offered on Wednesday to have airport screeners come to Capitol Hill to give senators a pat-down so they could fully understand the mechanics of the newly deployed, controversial technique.

No word on which Senators took him up on it. Senator Vitter is reported to have wondered whether wearing diapers interfered with the search.

The good news is that there are a lot of people upset about this:

Nearly all of the senators at Wednesday's hearing said they had received dozens, and in some cases hundreds, of phone calls from concerned constituents about the new screening procedures.

Nice work, gang.

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I called (and e-mailed) my senator on the committee, as a direct result of your post. So good job yourself.

The Gate Rape is disgusting.
My girlfriend got chosen to go through the scanner and she did not opt out. Unfortunately, even after the scan, they gate raped her.

Things in the US are escalating at a superb pace. Is Naomi Wolf this the "End of America"? Perhaps, the steps are all being carried out in sequence.

By Electronic cigarette (not verified) on 22 Nov 2010 #permalink