Hail Mumbai! The city that drinks a sea full of shit.

The BBC reports on a religious madness in the great city of Mumbai.

Hundreds of people flocked to a beach in the Indian city of Mumbai after reports the seawater had turned sweet.

Several people who drank the muddy water from the Arabian Sea said it had been changed by a miracle and could now cure illnesses.

Authorities in Mumbai said they collected samples for testing but warned against drinking the polluted water because of health risks.

Many saw it as a blessing from Makhdoom Ali Mahimi, a 13th Century Sufi saint.

The pious shall fuck-up the earth. And, they shall drink the sea - even when it is sweet because it is full of shit. Of course, this is a small miracle for a country where idols drink milk and a dip in the holy crap of ganges secures a place in heavens. [thanks David for the tip-off]

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The pious shall kill off their followers, and there shall be great rejoicing!

So dirty, unhealthy seawater can cure diseases?

India is a magical place, indeed.

By Martín Pereyra (not verified) on 21 Aug 2006 #permalink

The story mentions industrial pollution -- I really hope it's not ethylene glycol or this could be tragic.

By melior (in Austin) (not verified) on 21 Aug 2006 #permalink

How does one say "there is a simple scientific explanation for this" in marathi ?

The answer seems to be, put a safe distance between you and the devout thousands, and say it in the loudest voice possible.

By Basilios Piodassis (not verified) on 22 Aug 2006 #permalink