Catching up with the Delusions

The Q&A session by Dawkins after the reading of The God Delusion in Lynchburg, VA . All the standard questions of the believing brigade properly disposed off. Fabulous. The video plays for about an hour.

The Colbert Episode. Dawkins plays the game very well.

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Thanks for that - I was getting used to the commonly touted view that Dawkins is purposely blunt and provocative - his very patient and polite and quantative answers to some of those questions really impressed me. And he's doing talks and Q&A sessions like this, a few every week? Yikes. Mr Dawkins, should I ever meet you, I'm going to buy you a beer and have you sit down for a bit.

Thanks for that link of the q&a session. His answers were very carefully thought out, and mostly very polite.

Good stuff.

"But of course atheists can't be moral. So even if he answers, we must ask over and over."

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 17 Nov 2006 #permalink