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Some teens pulled a nasty prank and posted a video of it on YouTube. As a part of their sentence, the judge ordered them to make another video, with the apology and to post that on YouTube. There are several similar prank videos on YouTube so I do not know which one is this one, but the apology…
Worrisome news: A Cairo human rights activist and blogger, Wael Abbas, posted videos of torture by Egyptian police on YouTube. YouTube received some "complaints" about the material and responded by suspending Abbas' account there, citing his material was "inappropriate." One of these videos…
We frequently use video clips on this site, many, but not all, from YouTube. To say YouTube has revolutionized web video content would be accurate, neither an understatement nor an exaggeration. The amount of material uploaded to YouTube is staggering. It is also the frequent target of specious…
The silliness about Morgellons and Marc Neumann continues. This time around, it's someone sending me e-mail from Dr. Rolando Arafile's website. In my e-mail last night I found this gem: From: "Health2Fit" Subject: Violation Date: February 12, 2010 3:54:59 PM EST To: "Orac"…

Being a native english speaker living abroad I occasionally get a "do you speak English" from foreign tourists. I always reply "yeah, a little".