Message to Zooillogix Blog Subscribers

Dear reader, If you had subscribed to Zooillogix and have been taken for a ride by yours truly, here's your chance to get off. Andrew has a message for you:

somehow during the transition to the new email subscription system, the wires got crossed and Zooillogix subscribers started getting the Scientific Indian instead of Zooillogix. This has since been rectified, but the fix requires that current subscribers unsubscribe from Zooillogix and then resubscribe to Zooillogix.

Gonna keep away from looking at my subscription numbers for sometime. (I am a sensitive bloke, you know.)

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Thanks Selva.

Zooillogix readers, the Scientific Indian also appreciates a good red panda video when he sees it. This alone should be enough reason to keep reading Selva's posts.