Female ejaculation

Comprehensive review of the state of affairs at New Scientist. Surprisingly, the biological mechanism and the reason (or lack of it) for this is still not well known. My last conversation about this was about 12 years ago with a medical student friend of mine in college who obsessed over female ejaculation (he went on to win the top rank at his university, so, I guess it was a healthy obsession). Nothing much has been added to our understanding in all these years, it seems. Is this the female equivalent of moobs (man-boobs)?

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I am a 32yr old female who realized that I ejaculate at the age of about 15. I have always been what some would classify as a "nempho", and I would masturbate alot as a teen. I found that I would "squirt" from a clitoal orgasm but at that age I didnt know what was happening to my body. As an adult I have had the utmost pleasure of realizing that I "squirt" with a clitoral orgasm and I "gush" from a vaginal orgasm. I know it is not urine because my KING-SIZED bed would smell like a toilet by now if that was the case LOL. I have been with the same guy for 5 yrs and he is the only man that has ever made me "gush". Sometimes it does get so plentiful that it splashes in my face from his thrusting! He loves to swallow my fluids when I squirt and he has assured me that it tastes too sweet to be urine. I spent years being ashamed of this but I now know that I am a special breed of woman and my BF loves it! It turns him on, just to have me wetting up the sheets!

About your friends obsession with female ejaculation. I am thinking it is because it is a visually and sensually intense experience for both what he sees and feels, just as much as it is for the woman. So being, it is as intense as a man's orgasm and yes, it makes a woman seem as volatile as a man, but sir, lol... manboobs? haha, that's cute!