Tentative Date for Third Week of Joy of Science

So, a million years ago, before my blogging break, I had begun the Joy of Science class. I never did post my third discussion entry for the second week of class...I think it is a lost cause at this point. We'll just skip over that and move on to the third week of class. Why don't we say something like two weeks from now, which I think is Wednesday April 4th? I think I can have the readings done and prepare some discussion by then.

If you look at the syllabus, you'll see that week three is once again comprised of readings all from the Building Inclusive Science special issue of Women's Studies Quarterly. Is anybody out there doing the reading along with me?

If not, are you finding the reading summaries that I post to be helpful? Or do you just enjoy the discussion posts? I'd be interested in any feedback you might have to offer at this point.

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I'm reading your summaries. I haven't said much in discussion, because I simply haven't had anything substantive to add. But I'm enjoying the summaries.

I am a female physics grad student and I love your blog and I especially love the Joy of Science class! I have to admit that I never do the readings. My excuse is that I'm working on my master's thesis. However, I devour the reading summaries and they're the only source of information I have on the subject of women in science.

My department accepted large classes the year I entered and the previous year as well and taken a "weed-out" approach to us. This approach has seemed most effective at "weeding out" domestic female students, including myself. (I am leaving with my masters rather than a Phd.) Your blog has been instrumental in helping me to understand this situation. Some people have asked the question as to why the domestic females are leaving without their doctorate. There is no single cause to point to, which seems to point to the unspoken conclusion that we just suck. However, once I get my degree, I will let them know exactly why I think so many of us left, and have references and citations to back it up.


I'm enjoying this class very much. So far, I have managed to keep up with the reading, but I haven't found the time to write down any of my own responses.

Many of the readings have resonated with me. I have a B.A. in physics from a liberal arts college and I started out as a very confident and enthusiastic student. My physics professors, who were all white and male, did make some efforts to be encouraging. But somehow my relationship to the department just didn't "click", and by the time I graduated I felt alienated from physics, and from the whole college by extension. I left feeling disgusted with academia as a whole, and thought I would never go to graduate school. However, after a break, I did go on to get a Ph.D., but not in physics.

I have strong, but very mixed, feelings about my undergraduate college. It was in graduate school that I learned to value the strengths of my education, and my physics degree, because I found that I was very well prepared to work in science. However, I can still remember how unhappy I was during college, especially in the later years!

This class is helping me to understand my own experiences as a woman working in STEM.