Welcome, Sciencewoman!

Probably you've already noticed that Sciencewoman has joined the gang here at ScienceBlogs! Her first post here was on Sept. 20th, which was while I was off traveling with my mom. Helping my mom navigate through her vacation absorbed nearly all my energy and time; there was not much left for blogging, and so I didn't get to formally welcome Sciencewoman at that time. But I assure you, I was (and am) thrilled to pieces to have her here as one of my newest Sciblings.

I am sure many of you who read here, also read Sciencewoman, and I hope you will continue to enjoy her blog at its new location. Here's a really great recent post on the question of "reasonable accommodation" for lactating mothers taking the medical licensing exam. I could summon all of Sciencewoman's moral indignation on this topic, but I don't have the personal expertise to provide the informed commentary she offers. I am always learning from her, and hope she continues to speak to us for a long, long time.

And while I'm welcoming my new Sciblings, may I add a big welcome to Coby Beck, who writes the climate blog A Few Things Ill Considered. Coby is the author of the very useful How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic.

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