Eat with the fullest pleasure

"Eating with the fullest pleasure- pleasure, that is, that does not depend on ignorance- is perhaps the profoundest enactment of our connection with the world".

Wendell Berry

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tags: Wood Duck, Aix sponsa, birds, poetry, The Peace of Wild Things, Wendell Berry Abstract. Male Wood Duck, Aix sponsa. Image: John Del Rio [larger view]. This has been a difficult and frightening week, and I admit I was especially terrified to learn that my bank failed and was seized by the…
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Well said. Venison cutlets it is!

If I say goat milkshakes, does that sound wrong?

First comment shows attitude that will destroy this planet.

Here in Scotland, we have a major ecological problem with uncontrolled deer populations. Eating the buggers seems like a very good idea.

Suenorth, your comment is just silly. I was simply agreeing with the quote. I know my connection with the world.

I carefully harvest from a managed deer herd, properly prepare and preserve the meat, and I enjoy it, because it is both delicious and nutritious. No matter how much guilt you want to bury yourself in, we humans are a part of the food chain.

Get a grip on reality. The planet will not be destroyed. Humans might, but the planet really does not care.

@ #3 Suenorth

You do know that deer are farmed too, right?

By Hinemoana (not verified) on 22 Jan 2010 #permalink

Here in Scotland, we have a major ecological problem with uncontrolled deer populations. Eating the buggers seems like a very good idea.

"First comment shows attitude that will destroy this planet."

I'm making elk tenderloin with roasted purple carrots, snow peas and a red wine reduction for Sunday dinner.

They were fresh out of unbaptized infants at the market.

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

By Prometheus (not verified) on 23 Jan 2010 #permalink