Map That Campus

This one should have been posted Monday.


hint: Encyclopedia Galactica?

Leave your answers in the comment section (or email me).

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Here's one for you: Last week's hint was fatal, this week's hint: deadly particle. Leave your answers in the comment section, or if you don't want to ruin it for others, email me and I'll post all your answers over the weekend. (And no, the forest on the left is not home to Willie the Wildcat.)
I guess last week's mystery campus was way too easy, congrats to Arrowsmith for his two correct answers. This week will be a little harder. So here is this week's "campus": hint: Great place to have a trip, I got more done here than ever before! Email me or leave your answers in the comment…
OK here is this weeks aerial photo: Click here for a larger version and the hint: Where we came from (But our cousin was found in a cardboard box) As usual leave your guesses in the comment section (or if you don't want to ruin it for others email me, I'll post emailed answers over the weekend) .
Well you guys have been pretty good at guessing the mystery campus. But in addition I'd like you to tell me the answer to the riddle/hint. (Last week no one really explained what the first part of the riddle meant - even after Bil posted an additional hint in the comment section.) So here is this…

From your "Monday" hint, I guess Morehead, where Martin Luther King went to college, but I have never beeen there, and only know it's somewhere down South, so who really cares? Mostly down South is "home of cracker-ass crackers", if I can quote Dr. Christopher Rock...

Guess #2, would be King College in Chicago, but it's a JUCO, and don't know it they would have a football stadium, as is visable in the jpeg.

That's Boston University.

That's an odd assortment of clues.

Encyclopedia Galactica appeared in science fiction stories by Isaac Asimov (The Foundation Trilogy). Asimov was born 2 Jan. 1920 (Tuesday) and died 6 April 1992 (which was indeed a Monday), but it has nothing to do with this Monday. Asimov attended Columbia University. Columbia University is not in Boston.

Martin Luther King day was Monday. King was born 15 January 1929, which was a Tuesday. He died 4 April 1968, which was a Thursday. King attended Morehouse College (no rivers on campus), Crozer Theological Seminary (Chester, PA; since moved to Rochester, NY) and Boston University, where he received a Ph.D. in 1955 in Systematic Theology.

Neither Asimov nor King has any significant link with Northwestern University.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 19 Jan 2007 #permalink

From your "Monday" hint, I guess Morehead, where Martin Luther King went to college, but I have never beeen there, and only know it's somewhere down South, so who really cares?

It's great fun to attend athletic events there, and hear the cheerleaders chant for MOREHEAD.

Oh, this is lame:

Isaac Asimov...After completing his doctorate, Asimov joined the faculty of the Boston University School of Medicine, with which he remained associated thereafter. From 1958, this was in a non-teaching capacity, as he turned to writing full-time (his writing income had already exceeded his academic salary). Being tenured meant that he retained the title of associate professor, and in 1979 the university honored his writing by promoting him to full professor of biochemistry. Asimov's personal papers from 1965 on are archived at the university's Mugar Memorial Library, to which he donated them at the request of curator Howard Gottlieb. The collection fills 464 boxes, on seventy-one metres of shelf space.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 19 Jan 2007 #permalink

The bridge connects Brookline St. with Essex St.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 19 Jan 2007 #permalink

Mustafa - Thanks to the bautiful reference to the Morehead cheers... The closest I ever came to such nirvana however, was having a referee introduced as Richard Face at a college basketball game.