Say hello to Juniorprof

If I were you, I would add Juniorprof to your blogroll.

(I think it's time that I clean up my blogroll as well ...)


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A few months ago, I made a new page for a more complete blogroll. Now, that my class is over and I have a break from traveling around leading workshops, I'm ready to add some links. Other bloggers; Bora, Mike the Mad, PZ, Janet, DM, and Abel; use a nice technique called "blogroll amnesty" where…
Boy, you jump on one bandwagon that starts to creak and rattle and fall apart and take a wrong turn down an ugly path, and no one lets you forget it. The Republic of T resurrects the ugly corpse of "Blogroll Amnesty Day", I'm mentioned as one of the cruel participants, and Lauren and Chris get in…
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Agreed, Alex - I'm glad JP started blogging because it'll be a great chronicle of how one begins an academic research position in the biomedical sciences.