Conclave of Light

Long-time readers of this blog will be familiar with my tenderness for the Unarians, a UFO cult-cum-Renaissance science foundation that has been based in El Cajon, California since the 1960s. In 2006 I made something of a pilgrimage to their compound and left with a profound sense of mystified pity, or pitiful mysticism, which was ultimately a kind of admiration for the pastel dreamscape of their cosmology.

In any case, I occasionally receive the "Unarius E-Flash," an enlightened e-mail newsletter. In its better moments it makes glowing pronouncements about the Unarius public-access television production studio going HD or the re-release of "Infinite Perspectus" on MP3. Today, I received the email I've been waiting for since my El Cajon visit: a flyer advertising the much-awaited Unarian celebration, "The 24th Interplanetary Conclave of Light." If I weren't otherwise occupied in the month of October, I would be there with my turquoise sweat-suit on. Is there anyone I can wrangle into a little investigative reporting?

If you have any doubts, this pictorial tour of the 2005 conclave and video (sorry, Realplayer) of the dove release (FROM A UFO) into the blazing San Diego sky might change your mind.


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i think the words .... crock of shit .... applies here

By Mr Grumpy (not verified) on 12 Sep 2007 #permalink