Students Experience the Field Trip of a Lifetime at the X-STEM Symposium!

This past Tuesday, over 3,500 students, in grades 6-12, traveled to the Washington D.C. Convention Center to engage in presentations and hands-on workshops from some of the most creative and inspiring minds in STEM at the 2nd X-STEM Symposium. Sponsored by MedImmune, the X-STEM Symposium featured over 30 speaker presentations from advanced luminaries in STEM fields such as Dean Kamen, Inventor and Founder of FIRST; Dr. Aprille Ericsson from NASA; Dr. Irwin Jacobs, Founder of Qualcomm to young up and coming innovators like 13 year old Alyssa Carson, AKA the NASA Blueberry and 19 year old Easton LaChappelle, inventor of the robotic arm.

X STEM Visionaries Dr. Irwin Jacobs Dr. Anthony Fauci Alyssa Carson Dr. James McLurkin and Ben Gulak Visionaries Dr. Irwin Jacobs from Qualcomm, Dr. Anthony Fauci from National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), NASA Blueberry Alyssa Carson, Dr. James McLurkin from Rice University & Ben Gulak from BPG Motors

The Festival team would like to thank all of the X-STEM Speakers and Workshop Organizations for their enthusiastic commitment to our STEM Education outreach efforts. We also appreciate the support of our X-STEM Sponsor MedImmune, the many Festival Volunteers who helped make the event a great success and of course thank you to the student and teacher attendees for realizing the importance of connecting to STEM professionals and participating in hands-on workshops.

X STEM Students

View photos of the event here on Facebook as well as here on Flickr.

Stay tuned to our newsletter, website and social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google + & LinkedIn) for updates on the 2016 X-STEM Symposium!

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