Visual Perspectives [Cute Pics] of the Red Panda

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Brian of Laelaps was kind enough to contribute some beautiful pics of his favorite critter (as if you couldn't tell by his banner), photos he took at the Philly and Bronx Zoo.

Thanks Brian!

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All images courtesy of Brian Switek. Please ask permission before using these images elsewhere.


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These pictures are sooo cute! Can you please put up more each week. I was wondering if you get a liscence, can you keep one as a pet? That is, with the proper care, space, and time to devote to these delicate creatures.

I sure would like to have a picture of a red panda climbing a tree and looking toward the camera. I want to have it tatooed on the side of my leg below my knee to cover and awful scar but none of the tatoo people here have a clue what a red panda looks like.

Thanks for putting these up Jeremy! I actually have to admit, however, that I just changed my format and have a picture of Dryptosaurus (aka Laelaps) up until I can find a Red Panda pic that fits! Oh well, I did add another one today as a Red Panda at the Turtle Back Zoo that wanted to stay in its air conditioned room instead of come outside. Also, I'm sorry for not specifying where the images came from.

Image 1 -> Philadelphia Zoo
Images 2&3-> Bronx Zoo
Image 4-> Philadelphia Zoo
Image 5 -> National Zoo in Washington, D.C.
Image 6-> Philadelphia Zoo

Not that it matters much, but I just thought I would mention it in case any readers want to know. Thanks again!