BMI week whatever update

So, my exercise has fallen off a bit, but I think I'm getting back to it. I rode a bit this weekend but the heat drove me inside.

I tend to let myself eat just about whatever on weekends---turns out I don't like to eat that much. I get nauseated (not that it always stops me). Saturday morning I had my morning Irish oatmeal, but at the clinic everyone had brought snacks (including my DrPal's Yummy Salsa Fresca (TM)). I nibbled all day, then went out with friends to a big, Italian dinner.

Sunday I had cereal, and ate a healthy but somewhat too big lunch, and had folks over for burgers and corn in the evening. I made my niece a birthday cake and nibble a bit there too.

The end result was my feeling a bit ill all weekend. This morning I got up and had my shredded wheat, and I'm still not hungry (but I intend to make myself have a salad for lunch).

So, weight-wise, I'm probably a bit up from Friday, but that's not going to bother me because my habits have, in general, changed, and I'm still better off than I was a month ago.

It's still work, though.


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Weight has been a constant battle for me. I began to drink a LOT of coffee, it assuaged hunger (finally, at 5'8" I weighed 135 lbs. as opposed to 210 lbs.) and it is the only thing I like that isn't immoral, illegal or fattening.

Then, my brother convinced me that my caffeine intake (a cup o' Joe every hour or less) was not in my best interests. Today, I go for low-cal, water-based liquids to achieve satiety. Soup can play a large part in that, it may seem less desirable in the heat of summer; but one can let it cool. If, like me, you do not really consider soup nourishing, just make it like a dilute stew- with high solids and water to enhance satiety.

You have nausea from over-eating ?
that doesn't sound good. If it was me i'd worry about that.
Oh, wait... if you're nauseated on Saturday mornings, there's a possible diagnosis there of ETOH poisoning. but that's your business :-)

Oh, and as my doctor told me back in the 1980s-- don't weigh yourself unless you feel lighter. I don't understand that, but .. I dunno, maybe you have a point with keeping track like you have been. Either way, good going, keep at it!