

Getting my swine flu shot


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Time to fire up the mind control ray now that the microchip is implanted. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.

By Evil Governmen… (not verified) on 30 Oct 2009 #permalink

I just can't figure out who it is that wants me to die!

The anti-vaccination people tell me I don't need the shot because it's eeeeeeevil! (insert cackle here)

Polk county won't give me one because I'm not:

morbidly obese
a child
caring for a child
caring for old people
a teacher
a health care worker
caring for a newborn
too poor to pay for my own


By Kate from Iowa (not verified) on 30 Oct 2009 #permalink

Our microchips are in short supply. Your time will come, Kate from Iowa.

By Evil Governmen… (not verified) on 30 Oct 2009 #permalink

You look pretty cheerful for someone with a needle sticking in their arm. I guess knowing that you've just reduced your chances of spending 2 weeks sometime this winter with a high fever, body aches, and short of breath counteracts the pain. Or the mind control microchip is working really well. Whichever.

Mind control chip??? I thought I am supposed to get autism! Oh well... better to have the mind control chip than the lungs that I've recently seen in the pathology department.

Not to be a party pooper, but those lungs were faked by us to scare people into getting their mind control chips.

By Evil Governmen… (not verified) on 30 Oct 2009 #permalink

Want! Actually, I want my boyfriend to get one, since he rides the bus and has already gotten pinkeye from the bus. (*I* never got anything that nasty from the bus!) But as neither of us is in any of the primary groups (I work with college students, does that count?) it will be a long time coming.

By JustaTech (not verified) on 30 Oct 2009 #permalink

i think comrad obama is the czar of the antivax movement. can't get a h1n1 anywhere. this is what national health care will be like - for everything.

Too late -- looks like I picked it up and took it home. Thanks to a misspent youth (well, 1957 anyway) I barely noticed. $HERSELF is now coming out of a totally wretched week.

Someday she may forgive me. Maybe. I hope before it rains out here.

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 30 Oct 2009 #permalink

can't get a h1n1 anywhere. this is what national health care will be like - for everything

Is the government having problems getting it out or the vaccine companies??

Yes, he is a cutie-pie. Just like his little girl.

Today my daughter's tenth grade biology teacher showed the PBS NOVA program on the 1918 influenza pandemic. My daughter was freaked out by the song ("I had a little bird I named Enza... I opened a window and In Flew Enza!"). The teacher encourage her students to get the H1N1 vaccine.

I wish I could find it in my community! (she and her brothers did get the seasonal flu vaccine in September)


@ Kate from Iowa #2

Come work at my Polk County, Iowa medical center where all employees are required to be vaccinated ...or wear a mask at all times while on hospital property.

Get vaccinated whether you are involved in patient care or not. I suppose you might breathe on someone in the cafeteria.

Call me old-fashioned . . .but I would like to decide what goes in my body ...rather than my employer telling me.


By ...tom... (not verified) on 30 Oct 2009 #permalink

I'm soo jealous. Sniffle. Must take some paracet and go back to bed.

By Harald Korneliussen (not verified) on 31 Oct 2009 #permalink

You look freakishly happy there. Particularly given how much of a *serious concentration* face you have in the canoe pic. Pal likes shots more than canoes? I don't think vaccination can help you. You sick, sick puppy.

YAY vaccine!!! You make a great posterdoc for it, with that grin!

Also, where did you GET that tan in MICHIGAN??? (I'm in the south, and yet, let's just say I don't need makeup for my ghost costume.)

I have to say, I grinned the first time I ever got a flu shot, too! The needles are soooooo thin, it's practically a mosquito bite rather than a shot!

It's not a tan but my natural swarthy self.

'Call me old-fashioned . . .but I would like to decide what goes in my body ...rather than my employer telling me."

I'll call you a moron because employers have been trying to dictate what guys into the bodies of their employees for much of American history. If you had paid attention in your American history classes, you would know that employers have wage war on the Demon Rum, cigarettes, other tobacco products, the current crop of demon drugs, and other products for most of our existence as a nation.

And tom, you're free to do what people who dislike these prohibitions do- quit.

Damn it, my cancer center doesn't have the vaccine yet. Well, it has some vaccine, but only enough for the highest risk patients and employees. There's not enough for all medical personnel yet.

Go PAL, Go!

By The Blind Watchmaker (not verified) on 31 Oct 2009 #permalink

My local medical centre has vaccine clinics two times a week. Sign up, and go there, and it is free. My daughter goes to University, and the students just rock up and get the shot, for free.

We are all going this next week. I was a bit sceptical earlier about this pandemic (here in Australia), but I have been following the CDC information, and this blog.

Plus I will do the opposite of what the looney antivaxers want me to do.

Thanks, Pal.

I sell insurance, Tom. The number of people who sit across my desk and cough or sneeze (and damn if I don't see more nose-pickers than I have since I worked daycare!) all over me without even pretending to consider covering thier nose and mouth is truly disgusting.

If I don't get the pigflu, I'm most likely going to get pneumonia from inhaling all that lysol...

By Kate from Iowa (not verified) on 02 Nov 2009 #permalink

Such a sweet pic!

By Catharine (not verified) on 09 Nov 2009 #permalink