Just a quick but worthy link on the iPhone

Entitled: "The iPhone: A User Guide" and courtesy of Darren Cahr (via McSweeney's).


IX. Using the iPhone to solve disputes between Moqtada al-Sadr and certain Sunni elements within Iraq without causing an escalation of hostilities, or the development of closer ties between Iran and Shiite militias

XIII. Using the iPhone to take pictures of celebrities without underpants

XIX. Using the iPhone to learn whether Ehud Barak ever considered adopting Barack Obama and changing the Illinois junior senator's name to Barack Barak

XX. Using the iPhone to find love, true love, love like you've never dreamed of

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Sean Hanity and Bill O'Reilly just called. They want XIX changed to say "learn weather or not the BinLaden family ever wanted to adopt Barack Obama and change his name to Osamma Obamma. "

Ahem... I just read what I posted and it doesn't make sense. Then I realized it's from Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly, so, naturally it's NOT going to make any sense.