Just a quick delurking call. This site doesn't get a whole lot of traffic, but myself and Jennifer over at Shifting Baselines were thinking of seeing if there are any readers in Vancouver who want to say hello. More on this later, but I am curious to see if there are any Vancouver folks who check in at the World's Fair.
This might also work as a Science Scout call, and if you're a UBCer, I might even try to get some feedback/suggestions for the Terry talks.
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BC Interior here, about 3 1/2 hours outside of Vancouver.
I'm a UBC grad and a former resident (11 years). I could certainly be open to getting togeter, especially on a weekend. I will stay in touch.
If you put it off for a few months, I'll be there :)
Moving to Vancouver soon!
[shamelessplug]looking for post-doc positions[/shamelessplug]
UBC grad here (PhD, Civil Eng, '04) ... working on campus in the tech incubator park. Lurker extraodinaire. Perhaps feed readers probably account for the low traffic numbers?
Low traffic? Boo-urns! This is one of the good blogs, IMHO. (Bio '02) UBC grad here, now a DNA wrangler at UVic. Not a bloggeur, but love the site. Keep it up, Dave - and anywhere there are beers and good conversation, count me in for get-togethers.
Scienceblogs should change the URLs sent out in feeds so that they can be tracked somehow.
Vancouver here, too.
I'm way over in N.S., so I certainly can't do to a meet.
Low traffic? It's our unfortunate preoccupation with doing things alphabetically. Change your blog name to 'Acme World's Fair' and watch your traffic rise. Also, you'll attract the Coyote demographic.
UBC grad here (PhD, Civil Eng, '04)..
Another UBC grad here (MSc, Micro & Immuno, '03), currently back on campus working at a very small biotech.